Guestbook Archive

- Page 40 -

Ray Darling (
Monday, 4 December 2000 at 10:56am

You have done a great job on this web page.

Joe Vukovich (
Sunday, 3 December 2000 at 7:46pm

In a following comment,I did not mention all of the crew members that were aboard the B-17, "Fifinella" I only memtioned those of us that are still alive. The pilot, Thomas Smith was a KIA,the Bomb. was Robert Bell, the Nav. was Alexander Calder. I mention this in the event that someone has a question about any of them.

Marc London (
Sunday, 3 December 2000 at 5:08pm

Hello. My grandfather is Walter Richard Donahue, who flew B-17s in the 324th (or 323rd, im not sure) squadron in 91st BG, then was a POW at Stalaq Luft One. I was wondering if anyone has a crew picture of him, pictures at the camp, or any information on him? If you do, please email me at thank you

Roger D. COMER
Sunday, 3 December 2000 at 9:41am


roger d. comer
Sunday, 3 December 2000 at 9:31am

hi my dad flew in a b-17 named the round trip topsy.looking for pictures of plane and dads name is roger m.comer.he was the top gunner. he past away 2yrs ago.

thanks roger d. comer
12 3 00

Earl J. Gager (
Friday, 1 December 2000 at 9:21pm

Hello,my name is Earl Gager,namesake of Earl E.Gager who was a tailgunner in a B-17 that flew over Germany. He is still alive and doing well in florida,enjoying the fruits of you guys labor of saving the world. Thank You! You don't get enough of that from my generation. I don't know his unit number,but he tells me stories of being all over North Africa,France and Italy. I have a few keepsakes of his including a army air force star that women in Italy hand sowed for him out of some type of metal thread. I don't know if any one remembers him,but they could maybe contact me at, if e-mail's are allowed to stay here.

keep up the good work and be careful with that horn!

Joe Vukovich
Sunday, 26 November 2000 at 9:41pm

Hi. I was the co-pilot on a B-17 named Fifinella which was shot down over German occupied France on August 13 , 1944. Other crew members that went down with me were-Charles Sturgeon, Jess Brittin, Len Rogers, Delmer Spears, and Calvin Seiler(still living) It was my first mission, but I was taken in by the French underground... This is a good idea to keep the memories alive of the 91st BG. I was in the 322 sqd.. Sturgeon has his story appearing elsewhere in these pages.

bill strawn (
Tuesday, 21 November 2000 at 8:06am

Hello to everyone,
The Collings 909 tour is over for this year and the B17 came though intact. She is at New Smyrna Beach, Florida getting her annual inspection. Need some more help, I got a story about the 909 losing her #2 prop and damaging her nose art. Did this happen on the way or from the target? Any particulars on this or any other 909 story will be great. I am the crew chief on the Colligs B17. Also, what fighter group would usually escort the 91st?

Wout Jansen (Netherlands) (
Monday, 20 November 2000 at 1:21pm

We doing investigation about American and British planes that crashed in Holland in WWII.
In our archief are the names/dates/places and burialplaces of about 2500 (crashed) planes.
Also a number of 91th planes.
We are looking for a lot of materials.
Can you help us?????

Thanks,Wout Jansen

Steve pena. Curator 91st BG Tower Museum, Bassingbourn, UK (
Monday, 20 November 2000 at 10:04am

Moves have been afoot for quite some time to get the Control Tower building itself preserved for future generations by what is known as 'listing'. A recent local newspaper article reported on the subject - read it for yourself at
Hope those that attended the recent reunion had a good time - regret that I was unable to attend in person.
Thanks for the continued support.