Guestbook Archive

- Page 23 -

1st LT Lee Bishop, USA (
Wednesday, 17 May 2000 at 9:16am

Great site!
I'm re-painting my 1944 Willys Jeep to represent a 323rd SQ Jeep. Does anyone have pictures of the markings for a 91st BG Jeep?
I have the "Ragged Irregulars" book, but there's no good vehicle pictures in there...

Armand Battista (
Tuesday, 16 May 2000 at 5:18pm

I was with the 32nd sqd, my last mission I flew with Pilot Goluhic,Co-Pilot Chellar, Nose Sugg,Bombardier Mammoser,Engineer Jacoby, Right waist gunner Fuller, Ball Turret Andy Furinsky(who was with me for 31 missions)Left waist gunner Hall, Tail gunner, Yours Truly A. Battista. That was on August 8th 1944. Anyone knows of above names, e-mail me. Incidently, GREAT WEB SITE.

Ad van Zantvoort (
Tuesday, 16 May 2000 at 12:05pm

Great most interesting site, Well Done!!

My name is Ad van Zantvoort, and during my freetime I research WWII aircraft crashes and locating their crews. A while ago I obtained an police report from a plane crash on the 4th February 1944. This plane concerning was B17G-VE, of 91BG/401BS, 42-139771( piloted by James P.Lutz), took off for a mission to Frankfurt on that day. Whilst above Holland, the plane was badly hit by AA fire and crash-landed near Eindhoven airfield. Two of the crew evaded, and eight members became POW. I am in touch with tailgunner Joseph W.Kudasik and we would like to hear from Joseph's crewmates and anyone of the Squadron who knows this crew and flew missions with them. Further every info about this aircraft. I looking for an original wartime 401 Sqdn Patch.

Any info, or hints please to:
Ad van Zantvoort
van de Waarsenburglaan 6
5674 PV Gerwen(Nr Nuenen)
The Netherlands

Tuesday, 16 May 2000 at 12:04pm




Bobbi Dunn (
Sunday, 14 May 2000 at 11:03am

We really enjoyed this website. My grandpa, Delmer Spears was the radio controller on a B-17 during WWII. He ans his crew were shot down over Germany. My grnadpa and one other crew member spent 10 months in a German prison camp. Thank you for such a fantastic website. It is important to keep the memory of these veterans alive!

Josh Radginski (
Thursday, 11 May 2000 at 12:17pm

Im glad you guys have a web site dedicated to thoes men who foaught in the worlds most fogotten war of all time. THANK YOU.

Craig McGlinn (
Monday, 8 May 2000 at 11:06am

I'm pleased to have found this website. My father (MSgt. John McGlinn, from Indiana) served with the 91st (as well as I can determine)roughly from December 1943 til September 1945. I'm hopeful in finding any information, details, etc. concerning his tour. And, should I be so lucky, I would love hearing from anyone who knew and/or flew with him. I'm trying to gather as much history and background on dad's military service as I can, to preserve it and to pass it on to my children and grandchildren. I hope to be able to put together a display of awards, decorations, ribbons, etc. that he and the 91st may have been awarded. I welcome any information and help that anyone can provide.

Craig McGlinn

As a veteran of another era (I flew with the U.S. Marine Corps in Vietnam) who was also lucky enough to make it home, I'd like to say to all my fellow vets a heartfelt "WELCOME HOME- AND THANK YOU".

Lars E Melcher
Wednesday, 3 May 2000 at 6:05am

hi my name is lars and i just love b-17s i send mail with robbie from the 94th he was a radio operator and gunner his score is a possible destroy on a me 109 hev has sendt me one egsiting storie
i hope you will do the same


todd m perry (
Tuesday, 2 May 2000 at 8:27pm

i am writing in regards to all of you that might have some information on a very special B-17G-25-BO NAMED "LITTLE PATCHES"

i am in the process of building a 1/48 scale b-17g and i need all information/pictures/details that anyone can help me with!
(hopefully find someone who flew in that plane!!!!!)
i would greatly appreciate any help or information on someone who could help............all of you that help will be added to a plaque which will be mounted on a display base along my finished"little patches" as a "special thanks"!!!!!!

i want to say thanks to ALL that have served and also to those we lost!
they are ALL admired greatly!

thanks for you time and help!

todd m perry
4305 5th st. east

Phil Digristina (
Tuesday, 2 May 2000 at 2:03pm

Thanks so much for this website. My Dad, retired CMSGT Samuel R Digristina, was a member of the 8th Air Force, 91st Bomb Group also. My Mom & Dad are still living and retired in Florida. I'm sure Dad would like to hear from his war buddies even though I still can't convince him to get a computer !!! He is, however, beginning to weaken !!!

Dad has always spoken fondly of his military buddies in the 91st, but has never really talked about the war itself. I know that there must have been some horrific events witnessed by him during that time That perhaps he felt it better not to share with his family. Maybe he thought, and with good reason, that we would not understand. I have never forced the issue with him but always believed that sharing his feelings with those who were part of his young life would be a good thing.

If anyone remembers the name, please feel free to e-mail me and I will pass your message on to my Dad. Hopefully by then, he'll get that computer !!!