Guestbook Archive

- Page 13 -

Charles Deyoe (
Wednesday, 5 January 2000 at 11:16pm

I would like any information anyone has on " Sweet Dish" tail number 44-6586. My deceased grandfather( donald flitton) served with the 91St in the latter part of the war on his second tour.
I am not sure what Squ> he was in. I know he recived a DFC, Air medal with old leaf custures and other decorations. Thanks you for your help in advance.
-charles deyoe
P.S. thanks to all the men who flew and kept the aircraft running. YOU SAVE THE WORLD AND KEPT ME FREE. THANKS

John R. Waldron (
Sunday, 2 January `100 at 1:57pm

I was a radio operatior in the 323rd. Our pilot was Borgstrom, co-pilot (just forgot - although i Have spoken to haim several times over the last few years.) Navigator, Suds. I have contacted most of the surviving member of the crew except the armorer/waist gunner named Johnson who was from Chicago. We were at Bassingbourne Jan 1945 to about June/July 1945. Our assighned B-17 was "Ramblin Rebel". We also made several flights i "909". A total of about 28 missions. Visted the base during the Gulf War,but was not allowed on. Returned to England sveral times but didm't get back to the base, which I regret.
John R. Waldron
Plymouth Meeting, PA

William F. Nee (
Saturday, 1 January `100 at 6:03pm

My name is William F. Nee, and I am 82 years old and I was pilot with the 91st Bomb Group that flew out of Bassennborn, England. I was shot down over Germany on May 24, 1944 and was held as a prisoner of war for one year.

I have trouble remembering all the members of my crew but I do remember: Reginaldo Argonne - co-pilot
Charles Markley - bomberder
Chaffey - navigator

I have just heard about this web site and I would be interested in hearing from anyone.

Thank you,

William F. Nee

(I am using my daughter's e-mail address)

Spr. Edwards
Saturday, 1 January `100 at 12:36pm

Currently based at Bassingbourn Barracks as training, loads of items left there as memorial to the 91st Bomber group. Well done guys, it brightens the place up with worthwhile history thats of great intrest to all stationed at Bassingbourn in the year 2000. Im gald to see you guys have had proper recognition of your valuable efforts .

Steve Smith (
Monday, 27 December `99 at 9:05pm

Man, I keep finding more good stuff at your site. I finally read the stories of "Iron Man" Manny Klette, Steve Perri and Ace Johnson, all who I met at Tucson. What hair raising stories! It was also interesting to read the guest book and hear of someone who went down in "The Black Swan". My Uncle Harry flew 6 missions in the plane, but rotated out before it was lost. Good to hear that someone survived! Stay well. I hope to see you all at the reunions.

George Cameron / son (
Monday, 27 December `99 at 2:42pm

Anyone trying to contact members of "Pistl Packin Mama"
please contact me. We are still searching for some
members of the crew and if anyone has contact or knows
of a member we will be attending the reunion in Nov 2000.
God Bless All and the webmasters of this webpage site
Thank You !!!!
we will be adding additional photos and comments from
some members of the crew in the future...

Jim Shepherd  
Saturday, 25 December `99 at 4:47pm

You requested information about the 95th BG, but you did not
leave an e-mail address.
The 95th BG address:
or you can go to web page, HEAVY BOMBERS as they list the bomb
Jim Shepherd

Charles Maurer
Saturday, 25 December `99 at 8:52am


Trying to locate a web site for the 95th bomb group, 8th AF, stationed in Horeham, England, WWII. Any reference to individuals in that group also appreciated.

Best Regards,
Charles Maurer

Steve Pena Curator EAAS 91st BG Tower Museum Bassingbourn UK (
Saturday, 25 December `99 at 8:43am

Christmas Day and I just want to take time out to send season's greetings to our many friends in the 91st BGMA & all the very best for the New Millenium Year.
From the members of the EAAS who fund, maintain, run and voluntarily staff the 91st's only dedicated museum.
Steve Pena. Museum Curator.

Friday, 24 December `99 at 3:33am

wonderfull page ı thınk ıt's wery usefull for thethe person that interested war and I want to meet them and you adreess is 5EYLÜL MAH. KUYUCAK CAD. NO:23/2 ALAŞEHİR/MANİSA/TURKEY I AM VAİTİN YOUR LETTERS OR YOU CAN POST E MAİL TO İSPANYA36 HOTMAİL COM