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 401st Ground Crew

This is the HONOR ROLL of the ground personnel of the 401st Bomb Squadron, 91st Bomb Group, Bassingbourn, England, September 1942 to June 1945

Contributed by Jack Gaffney

Adjutants: Captain William Smart and Captain John Parsons

First Sergeant: John Irak

Engineering officer: Captain Harold Evans

Line Chief: William Butler

Flight Chiefs: Pat Amber and Charles Reitz

Inspectors: Alexander Frew and John C. Moran

Original Crew Chiefs: Henry (Hank) Cordes, Lester Culp, Robert Dalton, Zonil (Jerry) Docis, Arthur Hele, Alton McDaniel, Bert (B. J.) Pierce, Clifford (C.O.) Pierce, Lester (L.C.) Pierce, and Edward Pinkowski

Assistant Crew/Chiefs Promoted to Chiefs: George Camp, Roy Fratz, Jack Gaffney, Al Peters, Matt Pettera, James Patton, Wilbur Renz, Newell Rhodewald

Other Asst. Crew/Chiefs: Burton Blow, James Frost, Charles Karas, Harry Smith, Charles Zentz, George Popowitz and Boyd Picking.

Mechanics: Russell Bollinger, Haskell Barnes, James Brown, Whitt Breed, Nicholas Bankowsky, Harold Bendickson, Charles D. Booth, Frank Brines, Alton Brown, Rufus Clement, Gilbert Cloyd, Dennis Cross, Ben Dickens, Vernon Dion, Phil Dorn, T. T. Douglas, James Dunbar, Aulden Dunn, Milo Eagle, George Elliot, Delbert Gibson, Clayton Harpold, Albert Hanzel, John Hassler, Louis Hanson, Norman Hanson, Raymond Henley, Horace (Shorty) Hutchinson, James Hopkins, Harry Hovermill, Rex Jacobs, William Jones, Horace Knight, Kalmon Kormandy, Virgil Mott, Aubin Pene, George Rentz, Louis Rogers, Mike Suciu, Raymond Sumpter, Walter Ward, and Earl McCullough

Welders: Joe Samson and Tommy Sharp

Refueling: Vernon Jorgenson, John C. Smith, Maurice Hoveland and Earl or William Weller.
Instruments & Electrical: Crew/Chief Gerald Rothermal, Thomas Codyer, Alfred Ciarimboli, James Duncan, Robert Martin and Arthur Thomson.

Armament: Captain Phillip Garris, Crew/Chief T. T. Simmons

Armorers: John R. Paget, Fred Barrington, Burdette Cox, Sgt. Robert Edward Foster, Earl Johnson, Hank Loomis, Birch Watson, Albert C. Yates, William Carroll Piper, and Carden?

Turret Mechanics: Billie Bishop, James Branch, Leland Chandler, R. B. Cowan, Fred Cravello, William Rouse and Clifford Wilson.

Ordnance: Lt. Raymond Johnson, Leon Beaudreau, Giles Boatman, Marvin Caiazzo, Bergen Dalley, Abel Gonzales, Hampton Harmon, Ernest Jeter, Joseph Law, Anthony Lombardo, Leo Matras, Walter Miller, John W. Monette, William McConnell, Clarence Patterson, Richard Sando, Stanley Waslaski and Hyman Weingert.

HFDF* Operators: John Blackowiak, Martin Belovin Joe LaCascia, James Daley, Salvadore D'Autorio, Jesse Stallings, James Sullivan, Fred Vicaro.  *High Frequency Directional Finding.

Metal: Crew/Chief Faber Cripps, Glenn Boyce, Durwood Cox, Urban Cole, Robert Funk and Alvin Williamson.
Engineering Clerk: Bernard Cohn

Radar Shop: James Lomasney, James R. Dempsey, Richard H. Klamm and Dominic J. Vitale

Tech Supply: Ernest V. Pry, Leonard Wamsley, Harmon Shearer and Edwin L. Miller

Oxygen: Charles Phillips and Charles Bruno

Cleat TrackMan: Crystobal V. Baca

Bomb Sights: Robert (Red) Atterbury
Orderly: William Wollins, Orderly Room, S-2, Operations Etc. Clerks: Joseph DesJardines, Michael Donovan, Donald Beal, Jerome Damron Jr., Phillip Ender, Douglas G. Gibson, Joseph Joseph, Theodore Juszinski, John Mathis, Bales McCall, Robert McKee, Joseph Peris and Alfred K. Tucker

Caretaker Pilots House: Lumir Tomanek
Caretaker Co-Pilots House: William J. Dineen
Combat Mess: Harry Klein

Other Names Recalled But Need to Know Where They Worked: Roman Borowski, Thomas B. Cottrell, Isadore Feinstein, Donald Godoy, Charles Guignon, William Gottshalk, Harry Hollingsworth, Walter Kolanko, Noah Kirk, Reino Latve, Albert Marco, Harold Mattox, Charles Mooneyham, Lowell Perkins, Alex Philen, J. D. Pitts, Warren Thornburg, Clayton Romine and Hubert Carrington.

Thanks to those who assisted Jack Gaffney in compiling this list: Martin Belovin, Fred Cravello, Faber Cripps, Roy Fratz and James Lomasney's son, David Lomasney. Each man on this list and the others we have not recalled should not be forgotten for their individual efforts they made to contribute to the efficiency and great record of the 401st.