The Wild Hare324th Squadron
Serial # 42-31515 (324th DF-JN) (401st LL-M) Back Row - Left to Right: 1st. Lt. Kenneth Smith, Co-Pilot; T/Sgt. Edward Ah Tye, Engineer/Top Turret Gunner; Sgt. Neil Smith, Waist Gunner; Sgt. Archie Moldrum, Tail Gunner; Capt. Phillip Collins, Pilot. Front Row - Left to Right: 1st. Lt. Andrew Caswell, Navigator; T/Sgt. Edward Robjohns, Radio Operator; Sgt. Everett Webster, Ball Turret Gunner; 2nd Lt. Earl Thomason, Bombardier. Not in Photo: Sgt. Luther Carico, Waist Gunner, KIA over Cologne, Germany. The Wild Hare Factoid - None available. |