The Wild Hare324th/401st Squadrons
Serial # 42-31515 (324th DF-J/N) (401st LL-M) Back Row: L to R: T/Sgt. Jack M. Webb, Engineer-Top Turret; S/Sgt. Leonard J. Stark, Waist Gunner; S/Sgt. Everett L Dodd, Tail Gunner; S/Sgt. James F. Moore, Jr., Ball Turret Gunner; S/Sgt. Charles DeBono, Waist Gunner; S/Sgt. Russell Shields, Radio Operator. Front Row: L to R: 1st Lt. Arthur A. Durch, Navigator; 1st Lt. B. V. Parsons, Pilot; T/Sgt. Marion Roth, Bombardier; 2nd Lt. L. J. Lindroth, Co-Pilot The Wild Hare Factoid - Charlie Busa painted the replacement aircraft. The names above were provided by Ellen Webb, wife of T/Sgt. Jack Webb, who was informed of the need for the crew names by S/Sgt. Everett Dodd. |