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 Texas Chubby

322nd Squadron

Ward's Crew

sound5.gif (1201 bytes) As Time Goes By

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Serial # 231634

Back Row - Left to Right

T/Sgt. Nelson A. Hillock, Jr., Radio Operator - Gunner; T/Sgt. Buford Swango, Engineer - Top Turret Gunner; T\Sgt. John McCrea, Ball Turret gunner; T\Sgt. David Stone, Waist Gunner; T/Sgt. Carol Milam, Waist Gunner

Front Row - Left to Right

1st Lt. Lester Duggan, Co-pilot; 1st Lt. Ray R. Ward, Pilot; T/Sgt. Jack J. Landry, Navigator

Not Shown:

T/Sgt. Irvin H. Ramsey, Tail Gunner; T/Sgt. William R. Butler, Bombardier, KIA


Texas Chubby Factoid - The crew of the Texas Chubby flew from 1943 to April of 1944.