Super Mouse

323rd Squadron

sound5.gif (1201 bytes) I've Got a Gal in Kalamazoo -

Serial # 4338642 OR-M

Back Row - Left to Right:

                    Sgt. John Portner, Tail Gunner (Upper Darby, PA); Sgt. Reid Otte, Waist Gunner (Logan, UT); Sgt. Robert Marquis, Radio Operator (Salem, MA); T/Sgt. William Lothian, Engineer/Top Turret Gunner (Gary, IN); Sgt. Robert Pope, Ball Turret Gunner (Wilkes Barre, PA).

Front Row - Left to Right:

                   1st Lt. Stuart Fitzgerald, Bombardier (Richmond, VA); 1st Lt. Glade Stephenson, Navigator (Holden, UT); 1st Lt. Milton Russum, Co-pilot (Lowville, NY); 1st Lt. David Hettema, Pilot (Pasadena, CA).

Super Mouse Factoid - According to Glenn Lothian, the crew of Super Mouse flew early missions in Battle Axe and Bomber Dear. Pilot David Hettema painted nose art for Super Mouse and Battle Axe as well as flight jacket art for Battle Axe. Before their first mission, the crew was cut from 10 to 9. Sgt. Richard Hutton was transferred from the crew. Every crew gave up one waist gunner position. The Radio operator went to the waist position when the fighters attacked.

Mission Log of William Lothian

Number Date Target
1 25 July 44 St. Lo, France (Troop Support) Plane Mary Lou 42-97504, Pilot Roy Huffman
2 29 July 44 Leipzig , Germany ( Jet Airbase) Plane Times A Wastin' 42-102504, Pilot Roy Huffman
3 31 July 44 Munich, Germany ( Marshalling yards) Plane Mary Lou 42-97504, Pilot David Hettema
4 3 Aug 44 Mulhouse, France ( Airfield) Plane Ramblin' Rebel 43-3740, Pilot David Hettema
5 5 Aug 44 Nienburg, Germany (Underground Fuel Storage) Plane Cheri 43-37625, Pilot David Hettema
6 7 Aug 44 Sens, France (Fuel Storage & Warehouses) Plane Mary Lou 42-97504, Pilot David Hettema
7 8 Aug 44 Bretteville, France (Troop Support) Plane Old Battle Axe 43-37887, Pilot David Hettema
8 12 Aug 44 Buc, France (Troop Support) Plane Stinky 44-6306, Pilot David Hettema
9 14 Aug 44 Metz, France (Airfield) Plane Old Battle Axe 43-37887, Pilot David Hettema
10 16 Aug 44 Halle, Germany (Airfield-noted claim two FW190) Plane Old Battle Axe 43-37887, Pilot David Hettema
11 24 Aug 44 Leipzig, Germany (Airfield) Plane Old Battle Axe 43-37887, Pilot David Hettema
12 25 Aug 44 Neubrandenburg, Germany (Assembly Plant) Plane Old Battle Axe 43-37887, Pilot David Hettema
13 27 Aug 44 Heligoland, Germany ( Naval Yards) Plane Old Battle Axe 43-37887, Pilot David Hettema
14 5 Sept 44 Manheim, Germany ( Chemical Plant-heavy flak) Plane Bomber Dear 42-97234, Pilot David Hettema
15 9 Sept 44 Ludwigshaven, Germany (Synthetic Oil Plant) Plane Bomber Dear 42-97234, Pilot David Hettema
16 11 Sept 44 Lutzkendorf, Germany (Oil Plant) Plane The "Heats On" 42-37911, Pilot David Hettema
17 25 Sept 44 Frankfurt, Germany (Marshalling Yards) Plane PARD 42-97956, Pilot David Hettema
18 26 Sept 44 Osnabruck, Germany (Marshalling Yards) Plane Sherry's Cherries 42-97984, Pilot David Hettema
19 28 Sept 44 Magdeburg, Germany (Oil Refinery) Plane Nine O Nine 42-31909, Pilot David Hettema
20 29 Sept 44 Munster, Germany (Bridges) Plane Nine O Nine 42-31909, Pilot David Hettema
21 2 Oct 44 Kassel, Germany (Ordinance & Locomotive Repair) Plane Bomber Dear 42-97234, Pilot David Hettema
22 6 Oct 44 Neubrandenburg, Germany ( Assembly Plant) Plane Bomber Dear 42-97234, Pilot David Hettema
23 7 Oct 44 Brux, Czechoslovakia (Marshalling Yards) Plane Bomber Dear 42-97234, Pilot David Hettema
24 9 Oct 44 Schweinfurt, Germany Plane Bomber Dear 42-97234, Pilot David Hettema


26 Oct 44 Munster, Germany (Aircraft Repair Depot) Plane Bomber Dear 42-97234, Pilot David Hettema
26 30 Oct 44 Hamm, Germany (Marshalling Yards) Plane Bomber Dear 42-97234, Pilot David Hettema
27 6 Nov 44 Hamburg, Germany (Oil Refineries) Plane Super Mouse 43-38642, Pilot David Hettema
28 9 Nov 44 Metz, France (Airfield) Plane Super Mouse 43-38642, Pilot David Hettema
29 25 Nov 44 Merseburg, Germany (Synthetic Oil Refineries) Plane Super Mouse 43-38642, Pilot David Hettema
30 26 Nov 44 Altenbeken, Germany (Bridges-Claim FW190&Me109) Plane Super Mouse 43-38642, Pilot David Hettema
31 27 Nov 44 Offenburg, Germany (Marshalling Yards) Plane Super Mouse 43-38642, Pilot David Hettema
32 30 Nov 44 Zeitz, Germany Plane Super Mouse 43-38642, Pilot David Hettema
33 11 Dec 44 Frankfurt, Germany Plane Super Mouse 43-38642, Pilot David Hettema
34 12 Dec 44 Merseburg, Germany Plane Super Mouse 43-38642, Pilot David Hettema
35 15 Dec 44 Kassel, Germany Plane Super Mouse 43-38642, Pilot Milton Russum

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