322nd Squadron
Capt. Marsh's Crew
Serial # 338901 LG T
Back Row - Left to Right
S/Sgt Lewis F. Stilson, Waist Gunner; S/Sgt John W. Holmes, Engineer; S/Sgt Stanley Butryn, Radioman; S/Sgt Robert Widell, Waist Gunner; S/Sgt Richard A. Erickson, Ball Turret Gunner; S/Sgt Willian M. Lynch, Tail Gunner
Front Row - Left to Right
2nd Lt Darell Butler, Navigator; Capt. D.C. Marsh, Pilot; 2nd Lt Paul D. Wrighter, Co-pilot; Unknown, Crew Chief
Photo contributed by Jack Cervenka and Ron Reichenbach
Stardust Factoid - This crew, as pictured, was the first to fly this new ship in combat. It was named Stardust by vote of the crew after Glen Miller's music popular at the time. Stardust beat out String of Pearls. This first mission was flown on November 26, 1944. (This information was contributed by Charles Marsh, whose father was the pilot Denver C. Marsh. It was Denver's 26th birthday when they flew their first mission.)