Mary Lou
323rd Squadron
Lt. Pullen's Crew
I'll Get By as Long as I Have You
Serial # 42-97504 OR-P
Back Row - Left to Right
S/Sgt. James R. Kilgallen, Engineer/Top Turret Gunner (11007637); Sgt. Manuel P. Nunez, Radio Operator (39696079); Sgt. Gene V. Reynolds, Ball Turret Gunner (39917013); Sgt. John J. Stack, Waist Gunner (37536355); Sgt. Joseph Uhrick (NMI), Waist Gunner (35216196); Sgt. Gorden L. Lenaz, Tail Gunner (42003830)
Front Row - Left to Right
2nd Lt. John C. Pullen, Pilot (0759503); 2nd Lt. Robert W. Harris, Co-pilot (0764885); 2nd Lt. Armando J. Sinibaldo, Navigator (0717597); 2nd Lt. Robert R. Mefford, Bombardier (0768827)
Mary Lou Factoid - Photo taken June 1944