Hitler's Gremlin
401st Squadron
Lt. Lockhart's Crew
Sentimental Journey
Serial # 42-3043
Back Row - Left to Right
S/Sgt. George Serafin, Ball Turret Gunner; T/Sgt. William C. Darden, Radio Operator; S/Sgt. Chester W. Raphoon, Waist Gunner; S/Sgt. Arthur W. Burns, Tail Gunner; S/Sgt. John Husick, Waist Gunner.
Front Row - Left to Right
2nd Lt. Granville E. Williams, Navigator; 2nd Lt. Clive M. Woodbury, Co-pilot; 1st Lt. Eugene Lockhart, Pilot; 2nd Lt. Robert P. Sherwin, Bombardier; T/Sgt. Ted R. Cetnarowski, Engineer.
Photo contributed by Winnie Fay Darden
Hitler's Gremlin Factoid - This photo was taken only hours after the crew was rescued from the North Sea following the Schweinfurt-Regensburg Raid in August 1943. If you look closely in the photo, the five men in the back row appear to be holding an inflatable raft which may have aided in their successful rescue.