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 Blood 'N Guts

401st Squadron

1st Lt. T.M. Holmes' Crew

sound5.gif (1201 bytes) Begin the Beguine

Serial # 44-8324 LL-R

Back Row - Left to Right

1st Lt. Lawrence M. Politzer, Navigator; 1st Lt. Wesley L. Edwards, Co-pilot; 1st Lt Thomas M. Holmes, Pilot; 1st Lt. Edward L. Davis, Bombardier

Front Row - Left to Right

T/Sgt. Fredric A. Moshier, Radio Operator & Gunner; S/Sgt. Francis E. Drake, Tailgunner; S/Sgt. Jack B. Stafford, Waist Gunner; S/Sgt. Earl A. Jones, Top Turret Gunner

Above photo and identified names contributed by Frank Drake (son of S/Sgt. Francis E. Drake, Tailgunner)


Above photo contributed by Jim Vaught

Blood 'N Guts Factoid - Originally called Gypsie, this B-17G survived the war as Blood N' Guts. Refer to Page 33 of Ray Bowen's book, Planes, Names, and Fancy Noses for more info.