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 Dickson's Crew

322nd Squadron

sound5.gif (1201 bytes) Take the 'A' Train

Serial # 124511 LG W

Back Row - Left to Right

S/Sgt. Tillman F. Hutto, Engineer/Top Turret Gunner; Sgt. Robert F. Kirk, Ball Turret Gunner; S/Sgt. Raymond F. Leavitt, Radio Operator; Sgt. Charles F. Brokke, Waist Gunner (POW); Sgt. Victor Ray, Waist Gunner; Sgt. Herbert R. Colburn, Tail Gunner.

Front Row - Left to Right

Lt. Robert A. Dickson, Pilot (POW); Lt. Wilber H. Hoff, Co-pilot; Lt. Harry Green, Navigator; Lt. Frederick E. Hall, Jr., Bombardier.

Photo contributed by Bob Dickson


Dickson's Crew Factoid plus more - The photo above was taken at Alexandria, LA, Sept. 1943. Lt. Dickson recalled that, as he arrived at Bassingbourn, he was not yet assigned to an aircraft. He flew two "indoctrination" missions as co-pilot with the 381st BG. He was flying co-pilot on the "Wheel and Deal" when it was shot down on 1 Dec. 1943 on the Leverkusen mission. His crew was then assigned as replacements to various other crews.

Below - Lt. Dickson's Assignment Letter to the 91st BG, 322nd Squadron (18 Nov 43), plus other Army Air Forces personnel

1. The following orders & EM, now on DS for training with 381st Bomb Gp (H), have been assigned to this Group per par 1, SO #62, Hq, 1st BD, dated 16 Nov 1943, are further assigned to org ind, and upon completion of training will rpt to CO thereof for day:



2nd Lt. Harry L. Hollinger 0802857 (P) 2nd Lt. Robert A. Dickson 0802176 (P)
2nd Lt. Leslie E. Halcott 0805890 (CP) 2nd Lt. Wilburn H. Hoff 0807439 (CP)
2nd Lt. George F. Young Jr 0809576 (N) 2nd Lt. Harry (NMI) Green 0809272 (N)
2nd Lt. Joseph P. Hovantz 0741266 (B) 2nd Lt. Frederick E. Hall Jr 0739025 (B)
S/Sgt. Everard V. Eberling 34408909 (748) S/Sgt. Tillman F. Hutto 34409948 (748)
S/Sgt. William H. Masters 35519229 (757) S/Sgt. Raymond F. Leavitt 31186938 (757)
Sgt. Henry F. Osowski 31284401 (612) Sgt. Charles F. Brokke 39542565 (748)
Sgt. Wayne F. Sabins 39616326 (612) Sgt. Herbert R. Colburn 11083771 (612)
Sgt. Thomas W. Heller 37499269 (612) Sgt. Victor (NMI) Ray 16124484 (612)
Sgt. Curtis M. Moore 19011630 (748) Sgt. Robert P. Kirk 13092552 (612)