Chief Sly III

322nd Squadron

sound5.gif (1201 bytes) The White Cliffs of Dover -

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Serial #  42-29711 LG-V

Back Row - Left to Right:

S/Sgt. R. Wilson, Assistant Radio; S/Sgt. G. W. Boyle, Radio Operator; S/Sgt. A. A. Heaney, Assistant Engineer; T/Sgt. John F. Robinson, Engineer & Top Turret Gunner; S/Sgt. Joseph Bielecki, Ball Turret Gunner; S/Sgt. Joseph E. Carrasquillo, Tail Gunner.

Front Row - Left to Right:

2nd Lt. Edward H. Tomer, Co-Pilot; 2nd Lt. Walter V. Cavanaugh, Navigator; 1st Lt. Charles Bernard Pinning, Pilot; 2nd Lt. Albert Louis Rolnick, Bombardier.

More Chief Sly III Info Below (some pages under construction)

1943 Newspaper article on Charles Bernard Pinning (City Flier is Missing on Reich Flight)

1943 Letter written by Charles Bernard Pinning to his wife Millie regarding origin of name for Chief Sly (retyped from handwritten letter)

Letter to Mrs. Pinning from Denmark notifying her of Charles Bernard Pinning's death

1943 Newspaper article - Rolnick Killed with 12 Others Overseas

Page 2 of above article

1943 Newspaper article - Lt. Rolnick's Mother Told of His Death

Chief Sly III Factoid - For additional info on Chief Sly III, see other Chief Sly III crew page on page 4. 

Crew of "Chief Sly III" KIA - Oct. 9, 1943

Charles B. Pinning, Pilot
Edward H. Tomer, Co-pilot
Walter V. Cavanaugh, Navigator
Dale C. Engell, Bombardier
John F. Robinson, Top Turret Gunner
Rudy L. Olague, Radio Operator
Joseph Bielecki, Ball Turret Gunner
Joseph J. Arasimowicz, Right Waist Gunner
Vincent A. White, Left Waist Gunner
Joseph E. Carrasquillo, Tail Gunner

**(A. L. Rolnick did not fly as bombardier on this day due to bumping his head on the bombay door.   Engell took his place.)

**(R. Wilson did not make the flight as he went off flying status.)

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