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 Superstitious Aloysius

322nd Squadron

2nd Lt. DeShaw's Crew

sound5.gif (1201 bytes) On the Sunny Side of the Street

Serial #42-31982 LG-S

Back Row - Left to Right

Sgt. John R. Peterson, Tail Gunner (POW); Sgt. Gene H. Walker, Ball Turret Gunner (KIA); S/Sgt. Homer S. Norris, Waist Gunner (POW); T/Sgt. Charles N. Harrist, Radio Operator (POW); S/Sgt. Arthur S. Wilborn, Top Turret Gunner (KIA); William Stiffler.

Front Row - Left to Right

2nd Lt. Albert G. DeShaw, Pilot (POW); 2nd Lt. Raymond C. Hanke, Navigator (KIA); 2nd Lt. Robert W. Christophersen, Bombardier (POW); 2nd Lt. Wilbur H. Keck, Co-pilot (POW).

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Superstitious Aloysius Factoid - The above crew was shot down 20 July 1944 on mission to Leipzig (except William Stiffler).