Crew 3280
322nd Squadron
Lt. Hammer's Crew
Blue and Sentimental
Serial #
Back Row - Left to Right
S/Sgt. William Nagy, Top Turret Gunner; S/Sgt. Emile Freeman, Radio Operator/Gunner; Sgt. Paul Holeman, Ball Turret Gunner; Sgt. John Baird, Waist Gunner; Sgt. Mike Duran, Waist Gunner; Sgt. Oliver Birch, Tail Gunner.
Front Row - Left to Right
2nd Lt. Roy Hammer, Pilot; 2nd Lt. William Trent, Co-pilot; 2nd Lt. Raphael Czepkiewicz, Navigator; 2nd Lt. William Nocitra, Bombardier.
Photo contributed by Raphael Czepkiewicz
Crew 3280 Factoid - The photo above was taken in the U.S.