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Dailies of the 324th Squadron
Transcribed by Andy Caswell & Scanned by Mike Banta
1 January 1945 Kassel Squadron No. 254
Group No. 274
Lt. Manville 174 None None Minor Lead the high squadron.
Lt. Wallace 623 “ ” “ Dropped one bomb on T/O -
3 min. after target.
Lt. Goldberg 205 “ ” “ Bombed with lead squadron.
Lt. Bowlan 889 “ ” “ Observed fire burning in
channel at 3 degrees E.
Lt. Auth 988 “ ” “ Fighter support was o.k..
Lt. Boies 772 “ ” “ Claim bombs fell in South
part of M/Yds.
Lt. Kimmel 844 “ ” None Reports hits in town & M/Yds.
Lt. Maplesden 220 “ ” “ Reported fighter support fair.
Lt. Miller 959 “ ” “ Observed flak before, at and
after target.
Lt. Laws 993 “ ” “ In the 3 degrees area observed
7 chutes on water & dingy.
Lt. Martin 151 “ ” Minor Average clouds 5/10ths in & out.
Lt. Spicer 568 “ ” None Bombing done from 26,900 ft.
Lt. Lindahl 040 “ ” “ Dropped 7 bombs 30 sec. late.
Reason unknown.
Target: Briefed secondary PFF - Kassel locomotive works.
Squadron Losses: None Group Losses: 1 A/C and 9 crew members killed. ( 401st ship and crew ) A/C crashed
at Steeple Morden to reasons unknown.
Remarks: The attacked target for this date was the locomotive works at Kassel, now producing the Tiger and Panther
tanks and other military equipment. It was the briefed secondary PFF target. 8/10's under cast at primary
caused the formation to bomb secondary target. The high squadron which Lt. Manville lead, dropped its
bombs considerably South of the aiming point. This squadron experienced meager, inaccurate A/A fire on
first pass. No enemy fighters encountered.
2 January 1945 Prum Squadron No. 255
Group No. 275
Major Klette & 174 None None None Low squadron leader.
Lt. Brubaker
Lt. Goldberg 993 “ ” “ Brought back one bomb.
Lt. Martin, J. 880 “ ” “ Jettisoned one and brought
back one bomb.
Lt. Gaines 889 “ ” “ Report bombs in woods and
right of town.
Lt. Auth 988 “ ” “ Report flak at target area.
Lt. Adams 623 “ ” “ Jettisoned 2 bombs.
Lt. Maplesden 220 “ ” “ Very good fighter support.
Lt. Banta 568 “ ” “ Some E/A reported over radio.
Lt. Lindahl 040 “ ” “ Reports hit in town.
Lt. Martin, T.C. 151 “ ” “ Report bombs to right of target.
Lt. Kimmel 844 “ ” “ Carried 12 x 500 pound bombs.
Lt. Miller, G.F. 772 “ ” “ Good fighter support.
Target: Communications center of Prum.
Squadron Losses: None Group Losses: None
Remarks: Bombing was done by GH, Major Klette leading the low squadron of the 1 st “A” Group. Strike attack photo
shows bombs bursting South and West of the approximate M.P.I., which was a communications center on
railroad on Southern outskirts of the town of Prum. All aircraft carried 12 x 500 pound AN-M64 bombs.
Disposition of bombs were as follows: 139 on primary target, 3 jettisoned and 2 brought back. Flak for this
mission was not too rough and the Luftwaffe stayed on the ground.
5 January 1945 Koblenz Squadron No. 256
Group No. 277
174 Major Klette & None None None Group leader.
Lt. Adams
772 Lt. Santos “ ” “ Report cirrus clouds at
27,000 ft.
889 Lt. Banta “ ” “ 10/10th’s to the briefed I.P..
220 Lt, Maplesden “ ” “ Carried 12 x 500 pounders.
959 Lt. Wallace “ ” “ Fighter support fair going in
and good coming out.
085 Lt. Miller, G.F. “ ” “ Unobserved bombing results.
151 Lt. Martin, T.C. “ ” “ Report flak at target & after.
988 Lt. Balaban “ ” “ PFF - Unobserved results.
205 Lt. Adams, M.B. “ ” “ Bombed T/O, 5038-0618E,
Flew with 381st.
040 Lt. Lindahl “ ” “ Flew left of course on way out.
993 Lt. Laws ------Aborted over channel and brought bombs back,
#4 engine trouble and couldn’t catch formation.
110 ( GH ) Lt. Boies None None None Dropped 6 bombs on Koblenz
and brought back 6.
Target: Secondary PFF - Marshaling yards at Koblenz.
Squadron Losses: None Group Losses: None
Remarks: Koblenz the target, with the M.P.I. in the center of the marshaling yards, was bombed by PFF in group
formation. A/A. Fire was inaccurate, meager and scattered. Major Klette group leader, which was “B”
Group of the “B” Force. Nickels carried on this mission were 10 x T-263 bombs, A/C carrying same
furnished by the 401st Sqdn.. The operator of the PFF equipment of the lead ship thinks he had good
6 January 1945 Cologne Squadron No. 257
Group No. 278
632 Lt. Manville None None None High squadron leader.
880 Lt. Balaban “ ” Major Landed in France - All safe.
844 Lt. Kimmel “ ” None Flew with low squadron.
205 Lt. Martin, J. “ ” “ Bombing results unobserved.
085 Lt. Miller, G.F. “ ” “ Very good fighter support.
568 Lt. Spicer “ ” “ Dropped all bombs on target.
623 Lt. Adams, M.B. “ ” Minor Flak cause of battle damage.
998 Lt. Santos “ ” None Carried 6 x 1000 pounders.
040 Lt. Lindahl “ ” “ Report 10/10ths clouds.
889 Lt. Goldberg “ ” “ Carried nickels.
151 Lt. Martin, T.C. “ ” Minor Battle damage caused by flak.
772 Lt. Boies “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ”
220 Lt. Maplesden “ ” None Very good fighter support.
Target: Suspension bridge.
Squadron Losses: None Group Losses: 1 A/C ( 9 crew members ).
Remarks: This target, more or less a milk run, was in the sights of our bombardiers again today, followed up with the
toggaliers. The high squadron leader was Lt. Manville. Bombing was done in squadron formation by PFF
methods and the mickey operators report excellent runs with the equipment working properly, with unobserved
results. One more comment is that G-fixes taken at bombs away indicate that results will be good. Fighter
support was good, especially in target area. Two contrails observed while en route in and out, and were
described as rocket contrails.
10 January 1945 Ostheim Squadron No. 258
Group No. 279
174 Lt. Brubaker & None None None Low Sqdn. Leader of “C” Group.
Lt. Gaines
993 Lt. Laws “ ” “ Claim bombs fell short of target.
623 Lt. Madsen “ ” “ 2 bombs hung up - brought back.
220 Lt. Maplesden “ ” “ Fighter support no good.
988 Lt. Martin, J. “ 3 WIA, 2 KIA A/C salvaged
568 Lt. Miller “ None None
151 Lt. Martin, T.C. “ ” Damaged in landing Landed in France, air strip A-83
Crew o.k..
889 Lt. Balaban “ ” None Observed flak 2-3 min. before target.
205 Lt. Emerson “ ” “ Observed hits on airfield.
040 Lt. Lindahl “ ” “ Fighter support poor.
844 Lt. Kimmel “ ” “ Couldn’t keep up with formation,
but nevertheless dropped bombs
on primary.
959 Lt. Spicer “ ” “ 10 minute opening at target made
possible visual bombing.
Target: Airdrome - Aiming point being center of field.
Squadron Losses: 3 wounded - 2 killed - 1 A/C #988 salvaged. Group Losses: Same as squadron.
Remarks: The 91 was required to furnish four squadrons for to-days mission st and the 324th was assigned to fly the low
squadron of the 1st “C” Group with Lt. Brubaker and Lt. Gaines leading the squadron. The object of this
mission was to tear up the grass part of the airdrome and at the same time do what other damage possible
and from strike attack photos this was done. Ostheim to a certain extent is a part of Cologne and affords
an airdrome which defends Cologne together with others.
15 January 1945 Ingolstadt ( secondary ) Squadron No. 259
Group No. 281
174 Major Close None None None 1st “C” Group leader.
623 Lt. Adams, M.B. “ ” “ No flak reported.
844 Lt. Kimmel “ ” “ Bombed on leader with
10/10ths cloud & ground
959 Lt. Bowlan “ ” “ Excellent fighter support.
889 Lt. Banta “ ” “ Bombing results unobserved.
568 Lt. Balaban “ ” “
220 Lt. Maplesden “ ” “ Observed V-2 contrails at
772 Lt. Boies “ ” “ 10/10ths weather.
085 Lt. Wallace “ ” “ Carried 10 x 500 pounders.
040 Lt. Lindahl “ ” “ No flak.
993 Lt. Laws “ ” “ Fighter support as briefed.
205 Lt. Emerson “ ” “ Bombing done from 25,000 ft.
Target: Marshaling yards and railway workshops.
Squadron Losses: None Group Losses: None
Remarks: Squadron operations officer Major Close lead the 1st “C” Group to the marshaling yards and railway workshops
at Ingolstadt which was our secondary or H2X target. PFF was the method by which they bombed with the
high squadron following up on the smoke markers of the low squadron due to equipment failing. The crews
report that the fighters afforded excellent support. Results were unobserved but claims were that they should
be good.
17 January 1945 Paderborn Squadron No. 260
Group No. 282
174 Lt. Manville None None None High squadron leader.
844 Lt. Kimmel “ ” “
889 Lt. Auth “ ” “ Carried 10 x 500 pounders.
959 Lt. Bowlan “ ” “ Had to do considerable
Amount of “s-ing”.
220 Lt. Madsen “ ” “
993 Lt. Goldberg “ ” “ V-2 observed at 5237-0308E.
623 Lt. Adams, M.B. “ ” “ Observations nil.
939 Lt. Banta “ ” “ No flak.
790 Lt. Santos “ ” “ Fighter support was o.k..
772 Lt. Boies “ ” “
568 Lt. Spicer “ ” “ Dropped bombs on Sqdn. Leader.
040 Lt. Wallace “ ” “ Fighter support was as briefed.
205 Lt. Emerson “ ” “ 8-9/10th’s en route and at target.
Target: ( secondary ) Marshaling yards
Squadron Losses: None Group Losses: None
Remarks: 130 x 500 and 1 x M-17 bombs were dropped on the marshaling yards at Paderborn by PFF methods with
good results. Lt. Manville led the squadron flying the high squadron. A/A fire was reported to be nil which
goes for the enemy fighters also.
20 January 1945 Ludwigshaven Squadron No. 261
Group No. 283
475 Major Klette & None None Minor Low squadron leader.
Lt. Brubaker
085 Lt. Miller “ ” “ Unobserved bombing results.
568 Lt. Spicer “ ” “ Flak at target.
959 Lt. Bowlan “ ” “ Dropped all bombs on target.
772 Lt. Santos “ ” “ Flak cause of battle damage.
844 Lt. Banta “ ” “ Weather 9/10th’s - hole just
after target.
889 Lt. Martin, T.C. “ ” “ Received flak at target.
993 Lt. Goldberg “ ” “ Flak on bomb run, cause of
battle damage.
220 Lt. Madsen “ ” “
623 Lt. Adams, M.B. “ ” “ Crew observations nil.
205 Lt. Laws “ ” None Bombing from 27,100 ft..
040 Lt. Wallace “ ” Minor Report excellent fighter support.
Target: Marshaling yards.
Squadron Losses: None Group Losses: None
Remarks: Major Klette assisted by Lt. Brubaker lead this low squadron for to days mission, which took them to
Ludwigshaven-Mannheim span bridge crossing the Rhine river connecting the two cities. Photo
interpretation shows that most bombs fell on the Western approach to the bridge. Bombing altitude was
27,300 ft.. Majority of the A/C suffered minor battle damage, which applies to this squadron only.
Fighter support in general was o.k..
22 January 1945 Sterkrade Squadron No. 262
Group No. 285
478 Major Klette & None None Major Group leader.
Lt. Adams, F.L.
205 Lt. Auth “ ” “ Dropped all bombs on target.
085 Lt. Miller, G.F. “ ” Minor Good fighter support.
036 Lt. Bowlan “ ” Major
220 Lt. Madsen “ ” “ Crew says it was visual all
the way.
568 Lt. Spicer “ ” Minor Jettisoned 3 bombs 1 ½ min.
late - hung up.
889 Lt. Martin, T.C. “ 1 Major Bombardier received slight
eye lid injury.
678 Lt. Banta “ None “
293 Lt. Johnson “ ” Minor Dropped 10 x 500 lb. Bombs.
429 Lt. Adams, M.B. “ “ ” Report Mosquito’s chaff of
no benefit.
993 Lt. Laws “ ” “ Claim bombs to be in target area.
040 Lt. Wallace “ ” Major Received flak in target area.
Target: Synthetic oil plant
Squadron Losses: 1 casualty ( injured ) Group Losses: 2 casualties ( injured ) .
Remarks: The groups of 1 Division were called upon to furnish a group of 2 squadrons. st The 91st ( lead & low ) being
assigned the 1st “A” Group thereby making them Division leaders, and also of which privilege the 324th
squadron held.. Major Klette together with his bombardiers put their bombs right in there, the synthetic oil
plant two miles West of Sterkrade. The night target map bomb plot and strike photos indicate the results.
Flak was observed and described being moderate, accurate and tracking.
28 January 1945 Cologne Squadron No. 263
Group No. 286
357 Lt. Manville None None None High squadron leader.
085 Lt. Miller, G.F. “ ” “
772 Lt. Auth “ ” “ Observed flak - meager -
inaccurate at target.
844 Lt. Martin, T.C. “ ” “ Fighter support was fair.
095 Lt. Banta “ ” “ Carried nickels.
205 Lt. Emerson “ ” “
623 Lt. Adams, M.B. “ ” “ Claim bombs to be a little
short, but not sure.
040 Lt. Wallace “ ” Minor
889 Lt. Santos “ ” “ Unobserved bombing results.
568 Lt. Spicer “ ” “ Report two direct hits on target.
959 Lt. Woolard “ ” None
993 Lt. Laws “ ” “ Ground haze at target.
306 Lt. Goldberg “ ” Minor
Target: Hohenzollern road & railroad bridge over Rhine river.
Squadron Losses: None Group Losses: None
Remarks: The high squadron leader for this mission was Lt. Manville, A/C 357, bombing on the smoke markers of
the lead squadron. Strike photos show hits on the West end of bridge with the main concentration of
bombs short and slightly to the left. One A/C jettisoned its bombs at 5103-0628E giving him a sortie.
No losses sustained.
29 January 1945 Niederlahnstein Squadron No. 264
Group No. 287
471 Lt. Brubaker None None None Low squadron leader.
959 Lt. Johnson “ ” “ Fighter support was very good.
085 Lt. Miller, G.F. “ ” Major
568 Lt. Martin, T.C. “ ” None No observations.
144 Lt. Emerson “ ” “ Dropped all bombs on target.
844 Lt. Banta “ ” “ 24,900 ft. was bombing altitude.
623 Lt. Adams, M.B. “ ” “ Noticed flak at target.
678 Lt. Goldberg “ ” Minor Dropped 3 bombs late.
889 Lt. Santos “ ” None Report flak was high and wide.
722 Lt. Auth “ ” “
993 Lt. Woolard “ ” Minor Hit by flak after bombs away.
761 Lt. Wallace “ ” “ PFF bombing - unobserved.
Target: Railway center.
Squadron Losses: None Group Losses: None
Remarks: Twelve A/C, including one PFF, took off from 0748-0851 hours to form the low squadron of the 1st “C” Group.
The assembly was accomplished without difficulty and the entire mission was flown in company with the lead
squadron of this group. The leader of this squadron was Lt. Brubaker. The lead squadron bombing by G.H.
with this squadron following up. One major and 3 minor battle damages sustained, with no injuries to personnel.
3 February 1945 Berlin Squadron No. 265
Group No. 289
632 Lt. Col. Lord & None Entire crew & ship lost over target. Group leader.
Lt. Adams
959 Lt. Johnson, E.O. “ One Major Flak at target.
085 Lt. Miller, G.F. Missing in action,
772 Lt. Martin, T.C. None None Minor Fighter support o.k.
on way in.
040 Lt. Wallace “ ” “ Weather reported -
clear over target.
806 Lt. Woolard “ ” None Bombs carried - 6 x 500
& 4 M-17's.
844 Lt. Banta “ ” “ Unobserved bombing results.
623 Lt. Adams, M.B. “ ” Minor Report good hits on target.
205 Lt. Martin, J.(NMI) “ ” “ Observed B-17's colliding.
889 Lt. Hickenbotham “ ” “ Crew says smoke screen was
568 Lt. Spicer “ ” “ Report flak at Berlin only.
993 Lt. Goldberg “ ” “ Bombing results unobserved.
220 Lt. Madsen “ ” Minor Bombing altitude - 24,700 ft.
Target: Communications center.
Squadron Losses: 2 ships and 18 personnel. Group Losses: 2 ships and 19 personnel.
Remarks: Our squadron furnished the lead squadron of the group in a great air assault against the Reich capital,
Berlin, two A/C were lost in the group on this mission and both unfortunately were from our squadron.
The lead ship was hit over the target by a direct burst of flak and was reported breaking into two pieces,
the split coming about in the mid-section of the A/C. Four chutes were reported leaving the ship. This
lead crew was a loss to the group and squadron of highly trained personnel. The second ship lost was
piloted by Lt. Thomas C. Martin and no information, except that the A/C was hit over the target by flak.
Note by transcriber: Actually the second ship lost was piloted by Lt. G. F. Miller, not Lt. T. C. Martin.
6 February 1945 Gotha Squadron No. 266
Group No. 290
651 Lt. Gaines None None None High squadron leader.
153 Lt. Hickenbotham “ ” Minor Carried 10 x 500 pounders.
889 Lt. Santos “ ” None Flak observed at various points.
707 Lt. Auth “ ” “
306 Lt. Woolard ( Ship carrying nickels - Aborted - Couldn’t gain altitude ).
755 Lt. Emerson None None Minor Observed flak at target.
040 Lt. Wallace “ ” None No crew observations.
568 Lt. Spicer “ ” “ Report flak at various points.
772 Lt. Martin, John “ ” Minor Battle damage caused by flak.
844 Lt. Banta “ ” None Bombing done from 25,000 ft..
623 Lt. Johnson, E.O. ----- Aborted ----
220 Lt. Madsen None None “ Fighter support was good on way
in, poor on way out.
993 Lt. Goldberg “ ” “ Fighter support poor after target.
Target: Marshaling yards at Gotha ( T/O )
Squadron Losses: None Group Losses: None
Remarks: We flew this mission in the high squadron and were led by Lt. G. E. Gaines. Due to 10/10ths cloud cover,
bombing of the primary was abandoned and Gotha was selected as a target of opportunity. No strike photos
are available for plotting accuracy of bombing.
9 February 1945 Altenbeken Squadron No. 267
Group No. 291
588 Lt. Brubaker None None None Low squadron leader.
959 Lt. Thompson “ ” “ Report flak at Egmond only.
889 Lt. Santos “ ” “ Fighter support was spotty.
993 Lt. Auth “ ” “ Bombing altitude was 22,500 ft.
153 Lt. Hickinbotham “ ” “ Observed V-2.
040 Lt. Wallace “ ” “
568 Lt. Spicer “ ” “ Carried 6 x 1000 pounders.
772 Lt. Martin, John “ ” “ No flak reported.
035 Lt. Woolard “ ” “ Brought bombs back, switches on
bomb bay not turned on.
844 Lt. Banta “ ” “ Observed V-2 activity at approx.
6 degrees.
429 Lt. Madsen “ ” “ Made 360 at I.P. to avoid collision
with the 398th Group.
205 Lt. Emerson “ ” “
Target: Railway viaduct.
Squadron Losses: None Group Losses: None
Remarks: The 324th squadron was flying in the low sqdn. this mission. Bombing was done on G-H and fixes at bombs
away indicate possible good results. The flak was only observed and not near enough to cause any damage.
15 February 1945 Dresden Squadron No. 268
Group No. 293
777 Major Klette & None None None Group Leader
Capt. Manville
651 Lt. Auth “ ” “ Deputy Group leader.
568 Lt. Spicer “ ” “
844 Lt. Banta “ ” “ Bombs carried were 18 x 250.
153 Lt. Hickinbotham “ ” “ Observed flak at various points.
880 Lt. Thompson “ ” “ Bombing results unobserved.
959 Lt. Woolard “ ” “ Good fighter support.
889 Lt. Santos “ ” “ Crew reports 10/10ths weather.
220 Lt. Madsen “ ” “ Bombing results unobserved.
772 Lt. Martin, J. “ ” “ Carried nickels.
205 Lt. Emerson “ ” “
993 Lt. Goldberg “ ” “ Altitude of bombing was 24,600 ft.
Target: City of Dresden ( secondary H-2-X ).
Squadron Losses: None Group Losses: None
Remarks: Major Klette and Capt. Manville lead the group on the mission to Dresden. The assigned primary target was
synthetic oil plant at Bohlen, 11 miles South of Leipzig. The secondary P.F.F. target was attacked and a PFF
plot indicates good results. There wasn’t any flak encountered in the target area.
16 February 1945 Gelsenkirchen Squadron No. 269
Group No. 294
777 Capt. Brubaker None None Minor High squadron leader.
475 Lt. Spicer “ ” “ Deputy leader of high squadron.
153 Lt. Santos “ ” Major Report flak moderate & accurate.
205 Lt. Emerson “ ” Minor Didn’t see fighter support.
880 Lt. Thompson “ ” Major Flak was cause of battle damage.
889 Lt. Hickinbotham “ ” “ Time of attack was 1351 hours.
959 Lt. Woolard “ ” Minor Carrie 12 x 500 lb. bombs.
844 Lt. Falkenmayer “ ” “ Saw B-17 go down in target area.
220 Lt. Madsen “ ” “ Flak became worse after bombs
623 Lt. Meyer “ ” None Report fighter support inadequate.
993 Lt. Goldberg “ ” Major Brought bombs back.
772 Lt. Martin, John “ ” None Couldn’t keep up with formation.
040 Lt. Wallace “ ” Minor Observations were nil.
Target: Benzol plant
Squadron Losses: None Group Losses: None
Remarks: We furnished the high squadron for this mission and it was lead by Capt. Brubaker. The results of the mission
were good as shown on photographs. Moderate, accurate flak was encountered in the target area.
19 February 1945 Dortmund Squadron No. 270
Group No. 295
931 Major Klette & None None None Low squadron leader.
Lt. Gaines
153 Lt. Hickinbotham “ ” “ Very good fighter support.
959 Lt. Woolard “ ” “ Observed an A/C blow up.
220 Lt. Santos “ ” “
880 Lt. Thompson “ ” “ At 1447 hours an A-20 blew up.
205 Lt. Meyer “ ” “
844 Lt. Spicer “ ” “ Report flak at target.
040 Lt. Wallace “ ” “ Report compass wasn’t working.
772 Lt. Banta “ ” Minor Lt. Banta hit in the hand by flak.
014 Lt. Emerson “ ” None No contrails observed.
993 Lt. Goldberg “ ” “ Weather conditions was 10/10ths,
tops at 10,000 ft.
568 Lt. Falkenmayer “ ” Minor Observed a rocket at the I.P..
Target: Synthetic oil.
Squadron Losses: None Group Losses: None
Remarks: The assigned and attacked target was a synthetic oil plant at Dortmund, and our squadron furnished the low
squadron. Bombing was on Gee-H methods with unobserved results. Flak experienced at the target was nil.
21 February 1945 Nurnberg Squadron No. 271
Group No. 297
777 Major Klette & None None None Group leader.
Capt. Manville
540 Lt. Falkenmayer “ ” “ Dropped 5 x 500 & 5 M-17's.
618 Lt. Goldberg “ ” “ #2 engine feathered due to
oil leak.
145 Lt. Santos “ ” “ Deputy leader.
568 Capt. Tufty “ ” “ Unobserved bombing results.
844 Lt. Pate “ ” “ Good fighter support.
153 Lt. Hickenbotham “ ” “ Flak at target.
880 Lt. Meyer “ ” “ Bombed on squadron leader
in squadron formation.
772 Lt. Martin “ ” “ 10/10 th’s cloud at target.
959 Lt. Emerson “ ” “ Fighter support was as briefed.
116 Lt. Wallace “ ” “
623 Lt. Madsen “ ” “ Bombing altitude was 25,500 ft..
Target: Electrical equipment factory.
Squadron Losses: None Group Losses: None
Remarks: Major Klette and Capt. Manville lead the 1 “C” Group to attack the marshaling st yards at Nurnberg. Bombing
was accomplished on H2X methods with unobserved results. A plot made with pictures taken by lead mickey
operator showed bombs to have fallen in target area. Flak in the target area was nil.
22 February 1945 Stendal Squadron No. 272
Group No. 298
777 Lt. Gaines None None None High squadron leader.
153 Lt. Hickenbotham “ ” “ Excellent fighter support.
880 Lt. Falkenmeyer “ ” “ Report fire in Luneburg M/Y.
623 Capt. Tufty “ ” “ Says MPI well hit, very good
959 Lt. Gladitsch “ ” “ Carried nickels.
040 Lt. Wallace “ ” “ Target attacked at 1229 hours.
844 Lt. Santos “ ” “
772 Lt. Martin, John “ ” “ Bombing altitude was 12,500 ft..
993 Lt. Goldberg “ ” “
205 Lt. Emerson “ ” “ Flak was nil.
755 Lt. Moyer “ ” “ Carried 12 x 500 pound bombs.
790 Lt. Pate “ ” “ Reported smoke screen at
598 Lt. Madsen “ ” “ Flew route as briefed.
Target: Railway traffic center
Squadron Losses: None Group Losses: None
Remarks: The high squadron was lead by Lt. Gaines and the target bombed was the marshaling yards at Stendal. The
target was attacked visually and strike photos show that bombs from the high squadron fell partially on the
marshaling yards near the assigned M.P.I..
23 February 1945 Meiningen Squadron No. 273
Group No. 299
651 Capt. Manville & None None None Low squadron leader
Capt. Tufty
959 Lt. Gladitsch “ ” Minor Battle damage caused by flak.
040 Lt. Wallace “ ” “ Landed at B-53 due to gas shortage.
844 Lt. Santos “ ” None
772 Lt. Madsen “ ” “ Time of attack was 1247 hours.
880 Lt. Hatfield “ ” “ Saw flak at the lines on way out.
623 Lt. Spicer “ ” “ Good fighter support.
153 Lt. Martin, John “ ” “ Landed away due to gas shortage.
036 Lt. Goldberg “ ” “ Crew observations were nil.
205 Lt. Emerson “ ” Minor Good fighter support.
429 Lt. Moyer “ ” “ Heard of bandits over VHF.
993 Lt. Pate “ ” None Bombed on lead A/C
Target: T/O ( Meiningen )
Squadron Losses: None Group Losses: None
Remarks: Our squadron furnished the low squadron for this mission and attacked Meiningen. The primary target,
Hof, Germany, was not attacked due to cloud cover. Flak in the target area was nil although some was
observed en route. Strike photos taken show concentrations of bombs falling in the town.
26 February 1945 Berlin Squadron No. 274
Group No. 301
651 Major Klette & None None None Group leader
Capt. Brubaker
205 Lt. Falkenmayer “ ” “
880 Lt. Thompson “ ” “ Very good fighter support.
471 Lt. Santos “ ” “ Group deputy leader
040 Lt. Wallace “ ” “ 24,900 ft. was bombing altitude.
220 Lt. Madsen “ ” “
153 Lt. Spicer “ ” “ V-bombs seen at 5240-0730 at
1106 hours.
993 Lt. Gladitsch “ ” “ Weather conditions were 10/10ths
from Zuider Zee on in.
772 Lt. Martin, John “ ” Minor
959 Lt. Woolard “ ” None Observed flak at target.
626 Lt. Pate “ ” “
889 Lt. Hatfield “ ” “ Unobserved bombing results.
Target: Railway station in Eastern section of Berlin.
Squadron Losses: None Group Losses: None
Remarks: Major Klette and Capt. Brubaker lead the second attack of the month by this group on the Reich capital, Berlin.
Bombing was done by H2X methods with unobserved results. A plot made from scope photos showed bombs
to have fallen near assigned M.P.I.’s. Moderate and inaccurate flak was encountered over target.
27 February 1945 Leipzig Squadron No. 275
Group No. 302
651 Major Klette None None None High squadron leader
205 Lt. Falkenmeyer “ ” “
153 Lt. Johnson “ ” “ No flak reported
993 Lt. Santos “ ” “ Altitude of attack was
26,700 feet.
880 Lt. Thompson “ ” “ Carried nickels
772 Lt. Martin, John “ ” “
220 Lt. Madsen “ ” “ Report bombs hit in city.
623 Lt. Spicer “ ” “ Very good fighter support
615 Lt. Hatfield “ ” “
040 Lt. Wallace “ ” “ No contrails reported
959 Lt. Woolard “ ” “ No crew observations.
889 Lt. Pate “ ” “ Report 10/10's overcast.
308 Lt. Moyer “ ” “ Bombing results unobserved
591 (323 A/C) Lt. Gladitsch “ ” “ Flew with 398th Group
Target: Tank and Locomotive factory
Squadron Losses: None Group Losses: None
Remarks: The squadron for this mission flew in the high squadron and bombed the secondary target of Leipzig with
unobserved results. H2X photographs indicate good results. Meager and very inaccurate flak was experienced
in the target area.
28 February 1945 Schwerte Squadron No. 276
Group No. 303
588 Major Klette & None None None Leader of low squadron.
Lt. Vassar
205 Lt. Falkenmayer “ ” “ Carried 16 x 300 and
2 x 500 lb. Bombs.
959 Lt. Woolard “ ” “
993 Lt. Santos “ ” “ Flak was meager & inaccurate.
040 Lt. Camp “ ” “ 10/10's with tops at 8,000 ft..
880 Lt. Thompson “ ” “
623 Lt. Spicer “ ” “ Altitude of attack was 24,700 ft..
889 Lt. Hatfield “ ” “
772 Lt. Martin, John “ ” “ Good fighter support.
153 Lt. Emerson “ ” “ Fighter support was fair to good.
568 Lt. Madsen “ ” “
880 Lt. Moyer “ ” “ Unobserved bombing results.
Target: Railway marshaling yards.
Squadron Losses: None Group Losses: None
Remarks: We furnished the low squadron for this mission. Bombing was done on Gee-H methods and a photo plot
indicates good results. Meager & inaccurate flak observed on the bombing run, but no damage was received.
2 March 1945 Chemnitz & Jocketa Squadron No. 277
Group No. 305
Major Klette & 651 None None None Group leader
Major Griffin
Lt. Thompson 8880 “ ” “ Carried 10 x 500 pounders
Lt. Hatfield 889 “ ” “
Lt. Spicer 630 “ ” “ Deputy Group leader
Lt. Martin, John 220 “ ” “ Unobserved bombing results
Lt. Johnson 959 “ ” “ Report bombs hitting in
built up area
Lt. Emerson 153 “ ” “ Made a 360 before target
Lt. Goldberg 993 “ ” “ Landed in Brussels
Lt. Moyer 772 “ ” “ Attacked target from 25,500 ft.
Lt. Falkenmeyer 205 “ ” “ Fighter support reported good
Lt. Wallace 040 “ ” “ 8 to 9/10 with a slight opening
over city
Lt. Camp 7880 “ ” “ Brought back one bomb because
station wasn’t cocked
Target: Marshaling yards at Chemnitz.
Squadron Losses: None Group Losses: None
Remarks: Major Klette and Major Griffin lead the group on a H2X bombing mission to Chemnitz, Germany. The target
at Chemnitz was the railway marshaling yards. Flak at the target was nil, but A/A fire was observed from Brux.
3 March 1945 Chemnitz Squadron No. 278
Group No. 306
Major Klette 777 None None None High squadron leader
Lt. Gladitsch 040 “ ” “ Unobserved bombing results
Lt. Camp 772 “ ” “
Lt. Emerson 153 “ ” “ Good fighter support
Lt. Hatfield 623 “ ” “ Unobserved bombing results
Lt. Moyer 7880 “ ” “ Carried nickels
Lt. Falkenmeyer 205 “ ” “ Flying conditions were 8-10/10ths
with unobserved bombing results.
Lt. Madsen 504 “ ” “ Altitude of attack was 25,900 ft.
Lt. Thompson 8880 “ ” “ ”A” Group reported bandits
Lt. Woolard 959 “ ” “ Crew observed part of the town
Lt. Pate 889 “ ” “ 10 x 500 pound bombs carried
Lt. Spicer 568 “ ” “ Bandits reported but not seen by
this Group.
Lt. McEwen 844 “ ” “ Fighter support was good
Target: Marshaling yards at Chemnitz.
Squadron Losses: None Group Losses: None
Remarks: Our squadron flew in the high position and bombed the secondary target of Chemnitz. The high squadron
due to malfunction of the P.F.F. equipment bombed on the smoke markers of the lead squadron who
reported having a normal H2X bomb run.
4 March 1945 Ulm, Reutlingen and a last resort Squadron No. 279
Group No. 307
Major Klette 357 None None None Low squadron leader
Lt. Goldberg 959 Aborted over field
Lt. Thompson 8880 None None “ Unobserved bombing results
Lt. Santos 889 “ ” “ Had plenty of fighter support
at target
Lt. Martin, John (NMI) 772 “ ” “ Carried 8 X 500 pounders and
4 x M-17 I.B.
Lt. Moyer 7880 “ ” “
Lt. Spicer 568 “ ” “ Observed other groups
Lt. Madsen 220 “ ” “ Reported weather to be soupie
all the way to Germany.
Lt. Gladitsch 623 “ ” “ Flew route as briefed
Lt. Emerson 153 “ ” “
Lt. Pate 844 “ ” “ Crew says they didn’t have quite
enough time at assembly.
Lt. McEwen 040 “ ” “ Fighter support was good
Target: Center of city of Ulm
Squadron Losses: None Group Losses: None
Remarks: We flew the low squadron for this mission and attacked the center of Ulm on H2X methods. Results on
this mission as plotted from scope photos can be classified as good.
8 March 1945 Huls Squadron No. 280
Group No. 309
Major Klette 588 None None None Group leader
Lt. Goldberg 844 “ ” “ Flying conditions were 10/10th’s.
Lt. Wallace 431 “ “ ” Unobserved bombing results.
Lt. Santos 777 “ ” “ Deputy Group leader.
Lt. Madsen 220 “ ” “
Lt. Hatfield 889 “ ” “ Bombing altitude was 25,300 ft..
Lt. Emerson 153 “ ” “ Bomb bay doors burned out
Resulting in cranking them up.
Lt. Pate 901 “ ” “ Carried 12 x 500's & 2 x M-47.
Lt. Camp 568 “ ” “ Fighter support was fair.
Lt. Gladitsch 959 “ ” “
Lt. McEwen 263 “ ” “ Crew observations were nil.
Lt. Moyer 880 “ ” “ Flak at target and after bombs away.
Target: Benzol plant near Huls
Squadron Losses: None Group Losses: None
Remarks: Major Griffin led the Group on a Gee H mission to Huls, Germany. The target at Huls was a Benzol plant.
The Gee H bomb run was reported to be a good one and a plot made from scope photos taken by mickey
operator show good results.
9 March 1945 Kassel Squadron No. 281
Group No. 310
Major Klette 475 None None None High squadron leader of
1st “C” Group.
Lt. Gladitsch 578 “ ” “
Lt. Wallace 959 “ ” Minor Unobserved bombing results.
Lt. Spicer 568 “ ” “ Observed effective smoke screen.
Lt. Martin, John 772 “ ” Major Report flak to be moderate and
Lt. Hatfield 790 “ ” Minor Carried 34 x 100's & 2 x 500's.
Lt. Goldberg 755 “ ” None
Lt. Santos 889 “ ” Minor Good fighter support reported.
Lt. McEwen 8880 “ ” None
Lt. Pate 844 “ ” Minor Hit by flak at target.
Lt. Emerson 153 “ ” None Claim good bombing results.
Lt. Madsen 220 “ ” “ Report bombs in target area.
Lt. Camp 7880 “ ” Minor Good fighter support.
Target: Marshaling yards
Squadron Losses: None Group Losses: None
Remarks: We furnished the high squadron for this mission to Kassel, Germany. The target at Kassel was the M/Yds
in the Western edge of the town. Bombing was done visually, but due to clouds over the target strikes were
not visible. A plot made by higher headquarters have the bombs plotted almost on the assigned M.P.I’s.
10 March 1945 Sinsen Squadron No. 282
Group No. 311
Capt. Tufty 651 None None None Low squadron leader.
Lt. Banta 568 “ ” “ Unobserved bombing results.
Lt. Goldberg 678 “ ” “ Good fighter support.
Lt. Camp 880 “ ” “ Carried 34 x 100 & 2 x M-17's.
Lt. Madsen 220 “ ” “ Observed flak at target.
Lt. Thompson 880 “ ” “ Altitude of attack 23,500 ft..
Lt. Pate 844 “ ” “ Observed flak from 105's.
Lt. Martin, John 772 “ ” “
Lt. Santos 889 “ ” “ Flak at target was scattered.
Lt. Emerson 153 “ ” “
Lt. Woolard 959 “ ” “ Unobserved bombing results.
Lt. Wallace 205 “ ” “ Scattered flak at target.
Target: Railway center
Squadron Losses: None Group Losses: None
Remarks: Capt. I.O.Tufty led the low squadron on a Gee H bombing mission to the rail center at Sinsen. The flak
at the target was scattered, meager and inaccurate. The low squadron bombed on the smoke markers of
the lead.
14 March 1945 Vlotho and Osnabruck Squadron No. 283
Group No. 313
Gen. Gross & 588 None None None Division leaders (Bomb. -
Maj. Klette Maj. Hudson & Capt. Homuth
was Navigator ).
Lt. Woolard 959 “ ” “ Bombed in squadron formation.
Lt. Wallace 205 “ ” “ Fighter support was fair.
Lt. Falkenmeyer 379 “ ” “
Lt. Martin, John 772 “ ” “ Observations only were made
of flak.
Lt. Goldberg 431 “ ” “ Good fighter support.
Lt. Emerson 153 “ ” “ Observed hits in target area.
Lt. Moyer 7880 “ ” “ Made a 360 on first run.
Lt. McEwen 568 “ ” “ Target covered with smoke.
Lt. Thompson 8880 “ ” “ Unobserved bombing results.
Lt. Steffens 844 “ ” “ Good fighter support.
Lt. Madsen 220 “ ” “
Target: R.R. bridge over the Weser river by the town of Vlotho.
Squadron Losses: None Group Losses: None
Remarks: Brig. General Wm. Gross and Major Klette led the group on a visual bombing mission to the Vlotho bridge.
The mission was reported to be a success after an assessment was made of P.R.U. photos. Maj. Hudson,
Group bombardier, was also a member of the lead crew. The bridge could not be identified on the first run,
therefore a second run was tried and proved successful.
15 March 1945 Oranienburg Squadron No. 284
Group No. 314
Lt. Vassar 777 None None None High squadron leader.
Lt. Woolard 959 “ ” “ Fighter support was as briefed.
Lt. Goldberg 843 “ ” Minor One bomb hung up & brought back.
Lt. Falkenmeyer 205 “ ” None Excellent fighter support.
Lt. Steffens 568 “ ” “
Lt. Madsen 220 “ ” “ Observed vertical contrails at
5234 - 0617E.
Lt. Emerson 153 “ ” Minor Observed B-17 going down over
Lt. McEwen 636 “ ” “ Time target was attacked was
1530 hours.
Lt. Martin 772 “ ” Major Carried nickels.
Lt. Thompson 8880 “ ” Minor Carried 5 x 500 M-64's & 5 x 500
Lt. Moyer 7880 “ ” “ Observed 9 chutes from 398th
Group ship.
Lt. Pate 379 “ ” “ There was haze & bomb smoke
at target.
Lt. Gladitsch 151 “ ” None
Target: Marshaling yards.
Squadron Losses: None Group Losses: None
Remarks: On the mission to the M/ds at Oranienburg, Germany our squadron furnished the high squadron. The mission
was a visual attack and we had the best results of the Group. Flak at the target was meager to moderate and
fairly accurate.
17 March 1945 Bohlen Squadron No. 285
Group No. 315
Lt. Col Smith & 777 None None None Low squadron leader.
Capt. Tufty
Lt. Woolard 959 “ ” “ Crew observations were nil.
Lt. Banta 568 “ ” “
Lt. Santos 889 “ ” “ Very good fighter support.
Lt. McEwen 901 “ ” “
Lt. Gladitsch 843 “ ” “ Carried 12 x 500 & 2 x M-47's.
Lt. Falkenmeyer 205 “ ” “ Time of attack was 1303 hours.
Lt. Moyer 7880 “ ” “
Lt. Goldberg 504 “ ” “ Left dense and persistent
contrails entire route.
Lt. Thompson 8880 “ ” “ Took evasive action off target.
Lt. Hatfield 333 “ ” “ Observed flak at target.
Lt. Pate 153 “ ” “ Bombing altitude was 27,700 ft.
Target: Synthetic oil plant
Squadron Losses: None Group Losses: None
Remarks: Our squadron flew the low position on a P.F.F. mission to the synthetic oil plant at Bohlen. Moderate and
inaccurate flak was encountered at the target.
19 March 1945 Plauen Squadron No. 286
Group No. 317
Major Klette 777 None None None Group leader
Lt. Nichol 153 “ ” “ Report flak to be nil.
Lt. McEwen 225 “ ” “
Lt. Santos 471 “ ” “ Deputy group leader.
Lt Pate 205 “ ” “ Fighter support as briefed.
Lt. Madsen 220 “ ” “ Report poor fighter support.
Lt. Moyer 7880 “ ” “
Lt. Goldberg 379 “ ” “ Bombed in squadron formation.
Lt. Camp 678 “ ” “ Carried 10 x 500 lb. bombs.
Lt. Banta 959 “ ” “ Flew route as briefed.
Lt. Steffens 889 “ ” “ Unobserved bombing results.
Lt. Gladitsch 151 “ ” “ No crew observations.
Target: Town of Plauen
Squadron Losses: None Group Losses: None
Remarks: Our squadron led the Group on PFF attack on the center of the town of Plauen. The lead ship’s mickey
apparatus failed, but deputy was unable to take over due to the adverse weather conditions encountered.
21 March 1945 Rheine/Salzbergen A/F Squadron No. 287
Group No. 318
Capt. Tufty 475 None None None High squadron leader
Lt. Woolard 959 “ ” “
Lt. Goldberg 153 “ ” “ Bombing done from 22,500 feet.
Lt. Santos 889 “ ” “ Fighter support reported good.
Lt. Pate 205 “ ” “ Carried nickels #T-336 ( 10 )
Lt. Steffens 333 “ ” “ #1 target attacked
Lt. Gladitsch 578 “ ” “ Visibility was very good.
Lt. Thompson 8880 “ ” “ Observed 16 to 18 ships in harbor
near 5244N - 0533E.
Lt. Madsen 220 “ ” “ Report bombs in M.P.I.
Lt. Martin 755 “ ” “ Crew reports that bombs hit middle
of runway.
Lt. Banta 7880 “ ” “ Time of attack was 1000 hours.
Lt. Camp 095 “ ” “
Lt. Hatfield 964 “ ” “ Claim bombs were on runway
Target: Airfield
Squadron Losses: None Group Losses: None
Remarks: We furnished the high squadron and Capt. I.O. Tufty led the formation. The target was in the Rheine area
and was reported being used as a base for jet planes. The target was well hit and the field would be of
little use to the G.A.F.. No flak was encountered at the target.
22 March 1945 Dorsten Squadron No. 288
Group No. 319
Major Klette 588 None None None Low squadron leader
Lt. Woolard 959 “ ” “ Saw smoke screen over the Rhine
Lt. Falkenmeyer 205 “ ” “
Lt. Spicer 568 “ ” “ Poor fighter support
Lt. Camp 061 “ ” “ Time of attack was 1233 hours
Lt. Steffens 843 “ ” “
Lt. Thompson 8880 “ ” “ Bombing altitude was 24,500 feet
Lt. Bullen 220 “ ” “
Lt. Martin, John 889 “ ” “ Report good visibility
Lt. Banta 7880 “ ” “
Lt. Averitt 153 “ ” “ Route flown as briefed
Lt. Hatfield 504 “ ” “ Carried 30 x 100 G.P. & 6 x 500 I.B.’s
Target: German military camp
Squadron Losses: None Group Losses: None
Remarks: We furnished the low squadron for this mission to Dorsten, Germany. The results were shown on strike photos
to be fair to good results. The flak for the low squadron was reported meager to moderate and generally
inaccurate. No battle damage was suffered by the squadron.
24 March 1945 Vechta Squadron No. 289
Group No. 321
Col. Terry & 651 None None None Group leader
Major Klette
Lt. Martin, John 889 “ ” “ Bombing reported to be good
Lt. McEwen 263 “ ” “ Fighter support was o.k.
Lt. Woolard 959 “ ” “ Bombing was done from 25,000 ft.
lt. Spicer 568 “ ” “
Lt. Goldberg 151 “ ” “ No flak encountered
Lt. Averitt 205 “ ” “ Bombed on squadron leader in
squadron formation.
Lt. Nichol 153 “ ” “ Observed flak at coast
Lt. Banta 936 “ ” “
Lt. Thompson 8880 “ ” “ Carried delayed action bombs
Lt. Moyer 7880 “ ” “ No clouds at target
Lt. Hatfield 844 “ ” “ Smoke obscured the hits on ;the field
Target: Airfield
Squadron Losses: None Group Losses: None
Remarks: Col. Terry, Commanding Officer of the Group, and Major Klette led our squadron and the group on a mission
to Vechta A/D. The flak encountered was nil. A second mission was flown on this day and the only squadron
flying was the 323rd, who flew high squadron of a composite group from rd the 1st Combat Wing. Bombing results
on Vechta were good.
28 March 1945 Spandau and Stendal Squadron No. 290
Group No. 323
Capt. Gaines 651 None None Major High squadron leader
Lt. Banta 936 “ ” Minor Attacked #3 target
Lt. Smith, M.L. Jr. 205 “ ” Major Carried 6 x 500 & 4 x M-17's.
Lt. Woolard 959 “ ” “ Saw bombs hit in yards
Lt. Barnes 889 “ ” None Carried nickels
Lt. Pate 844 “ ” Minor
Lt. McEwen 153 “ ” “ Flying conditions were 9/10th’s.
Lt. Moyer 7880 “ ” None Fighter support good all the time
Lt. Gladitsch 151 “ ” Minor Fighter support was a little late
Lt. Nichol 772 “ ” None
Lt. Thompson 8880 “ ” Minor Observed lead ship with 2 engines
out and the deputy with one gone.
Lt. Brooks 220 “ ” “ Fighter support was o.k.
Lt. Pugliese 568 “ ” None Attacked #3 target.
Target: Spandau aero engine factory and Stendal marshaling yards.
Squadron Losses: None Group Losses: None
Remarks: Our squadron flew in the high position for the mission. The group was a little North of course on the way
into the target, and the high squadron received some accurate flak and caused damage to a few A/C.
Being unable to continue on route to the briefed #2 target, the squadron leader and six other A/C from the
squadron attacked Stendal. The remaining A/C flew with the group formation and attacked Spandau.
30 March 1945 Bremen Squadron No. 291
Group No. 324
Major Klette 777 None None None Low squadron leader
Lt. Gladitsch 151 “ ” “ Altitude of attack was 25,000 ft.
Lt. Pate 844 “ ” “ Excellent fighter support.
Lt. Santos 889 “ ” Minor Good formation at bombs away
Lt. Pugliese 568 “ ” None Flew route as briefed
Lt. Steffens 623 “ ” “ Excellent fighter support
Lt. Emerson 153 “ ” Minor Observed B-17 going down
Lt. Camp 220 “ ” “ 5 to 7/10th’s cloud cover in & out
Lt. Hatfield 772 “ ” None Observed hits
Lt. Banta 936 ---------Aborted at 5245N - 0433E ( #4 engine went out ) ------
Lt. McEwen 8880 None None Minor Weather condition at target was 5/10ths.
Lt. Brooks 7880 “ ” “
Target: Shipbuilding yards
Squadron Losses: None Group Losses: None
Remarks: We flew in the low squadron on this mission and attacked the submarine and shipbuilding yards at Bremen.
Moderate and accurate A/A fire was encountered at the target. Bombing was done by visual methods with
good results.
4 April 1945 Fassberg Squadron No. 292
Group No. 326
Major Klette 651 None None None Leader of 1st “C” Group
Lt. Averitt 8880 “ ” “ Jets reported in target area
but not seen.
Lt. Wallace 205 “ ” “ Bomb bay motor burned up.
Lt. Woolard 471 “ ” “ Deputy leader of 1st “C” Group.
Lt. Hatfield 889 “ ” “ Cloud cover prevented observation.
Lt. Madsen 220 “ ” “ Got off course starting back.
Lt. Moyer 7880 -------- Crashed on take off -------
Lt. McEwen 151 None None “ 38 x 150's dropped.
Lt. Martin, John 772 “ ” “ Fighter support was fair.
Lt. Banta 153 “ ” “ Route flown as briefed.
Lt. Brooks 844 “ ” “ Bombed on squadron leader in
squadron formation.
Lt. Camp 568 “ ” “ Flak was nil.
Target: Airdrome
Squadron Losses: None Group Losses: None
Remarks: Major Klette and Capt. Brubaker lead the group on a visual mission to Fassberg A/D, Germany. The lead
squadron was the only one able to identify the target in time to make a run, the remaining two squadrons
returned with their bombs. Results of the mission were unobserved.
5 April 1945 Grafenwohr Squadron No. 293
Group No. 327
Lt. Vassar 651 None None None High squadron leader
Lt. Nichol 151 “ ” “ Carried 34 x 150's & 2 x M-17's.
Lt. Averitt 205 “ ” “ Time of attack was 1123.
Lt. Woolard 959 “ ” “ #1 target attacked.
Lt. Goldberg 889 “ ” “ Excellent fighter support.
Lt. Madsen 220 “ ” “ Fighter support was as briefed.
Lt. Wallace 844 “ ” “
Lt. Moyer 153 “ ” “ Bombing altitude 17,300 ft.
Lt. Pugliese 623 “ ” “ Flying conditions were 6/10's
en route and 2/10's at target.
Lt. Martin 772 “ ” “ Claim bombs were on M.P.I.
Lt. Thompson 880 “ ” “ Flew route as briefed.
Lt. Steffens 225 “ ” “ Bombed in squadron formation.
Lt. Smith, M.L. 568 “ ” “ Flak observations were nil.
Target: Railway
Squadron Losses: None Group Losses: None
Remarks: The target on this mission was an ordnance depot at Grafenwohr. Our squadron flew in the high position
and bombed the target by PFF methods and strike photographs show fair results. The lead and low
squadrons were able to bomb visually and photos showed good results.
7 April 1945 Kohlenbissen Squadron No. 294
Group No. 328
Major Griffin 651 None None None Low squadron leader
Lt. Madsen 220 “ ” “ Carried 38 x 150 lb. Bombs.
Lt. McEwen 568 “ ” “ Didn’t observe any flak.
Lt. Emerson 205 “ ” “
Lt. Averitt 772 “ ” “ Reports good bomb pattern.
Lt. Goldberg 151 “ ” “
Lt. Thompson 8880 “ ” “ Target attacked from 15,000 ft.
Lt. Wallace 324 “ ” “ Good fighter support.
Lt. Pate 844 “ ” “ Observed A/C in trees at 5200N-1003E
Lt. Woolard 959 “ ” “ Claims bombs right on target.
Lt. Brooks 623 “ ” “ Time of attack was 1525 hours.
Lt. Pugliese 889 “ ” “
Target: Landing ground
Squadron Losses: None Group Losses: None
Remarks: The primary target was the A/D at Kohlenbissen. We flew the low squadron for this mission. Due to cloud
cover on the bombing run, the lead squadron bombed Fassburg. The high and low squadrons bombed the
primary target with good results.
9 April 1945 Oberhaffenhofen Squadron No. 295
Group No. 330
Major Klette 792 None None None Leader of 1st “A” Group
Lt. Averitt 205 “ ” Minor Had camera in ship
Lt. Wallace 220 “ ” None Report good bombing
Lt. Emerson 651 “ ” “ Deputy Group leader
Lt. McEwen 772 “ ” “ Good fighter support
Lt. Gladitsch 151 “ ” “ Bandits reported at 1710 hours
Lt. Moyer 959 “ ” “ Fighter support was good
Lt. Goldberg 623 “ ” “ Altitude of attack was 25,600 ft.
Lt. Camp 568 “ ” “ Visibility was 10 miles
Lt. Banta 936 “ ” “ Report bombs on the hangars
Lt. Steffens 153 “ ” “ Carried 4 x 1000 & 4 x M-17's
Lt. Brooks 844 “ ” “ Report flak to be moderate &
accurate in Munich area
Target: Airdrome
Squadron Losses: None Group Losses: None
Remarks: Major Klette and Capt. Gaines lead the group on a visual mission to the assigned primary, Oberhaffenhofen
A/D. Meager accurate flak was encountered near Freiburg on the way to the target.
10 April 1945 Oranienburg Squadron No. 296
Group No. 331
Major Klette 651 None None None High squadron leader
Lt. Smith, M.L. Jr. 568 “ ” “ Good fighter support
Lt. Martin, John 772 “ ” Minor Flew #3 ship in #1 flight
Lt. Emerson 153 -------- Aborted at 5148N-0623E and brought bombs back - Engine trouble
Lt. Hatfield 205 None None None Dropped nickels
Lt. Wallace 220 “ ” “ 6 x 500's & 6 x M-17's dropped
Lt. Brooks 276 “ ” “ Altitude of attack was 25,500 ft.
Lt. Banta 936 “ ” “ Report good visibility
Lt. Pate 844 “ ” “ Clusters carried by this ship
Lt. Camp 889 “ ” “ Report E/A hitting other groups
Lt. Gladitsch 151 “ ” “ Flak observations were nil
Lt. Steffens 623 “ ” “ Saw one B-17 going down from
group behind
Lt. Pugliese 959 “ ” “ Bombing was done at approximately
1454 hours
Target: Ordnance and equipment depot of the SS forces.
Squadron Losses: None Group Losses: None
Remarks: The primary target was the ordnance and equipment depot at Oranienburg. This squadron furnished the
high squadron for this mission. The lead and high squadron bombed Oranienburg with good results.
The low squadron bombed Rechlin/Larz A/D with unobserved results.
11 April 1945 Freiham Squadron No. 297
Group No. 332
Capt. Gaines 651 None None None Low squadron leader
Lt. Pate 844 “ ” “ Carried 5 x 1000 pounders
Lt. Martin 772 “ ” “ Report good bomb pattern
Lt. Santos 889 “ ” “
Lt. Moore 623 “ ” Minor Flak cause of battle damage
Lt. Madsen 220 “ ” None Carried 5 x 1000 pounders
Lt. Banta 936 “ ” “ 24,100 ft. was bombing altitude
Lt. Stevens 205 “ ” “ Report bombs in North end of
Lt. Smith, M.L. 568 “ ” “ 1247 ½ hours time of attack
Lt. Gladitsch 151 “ ” “ Good bombing results observed
Lt. Camp 959 “ ” “ Good fighter support
Lt. Steffens 931 “ ” “ Carried a K-21 camera flying #3
ship in 4th flight.
Target: Underground oil storage depot
Squadron Losses: None Group Losses: None
Remarks: We furnished the low squadron on this mission and bombed Freiham, an underground oil storage depot.
Strike photographs show excellent results, but no oil fires were visible. No A/A fire was encountered
at the target.
15 April 1945 Rochefort, France Squadron No. 298
Group No. 334
Major Klette 651 None None None 1st “C” Group leader
Lt. Santos 889 “ ” “ Carried 2 x 2000 G.P.’s &
2 x 1000 S.A.P.
Lt. Banta 936 “ ” “ Observed flak at 4615N-0141W.
Lt. Camp 623 “ ” “
Lt. Madsen 220 “ ” “ Meager & inaccurate flak at
channel islands
Lt. Smith, M.L. 568 “ ” “ No observations
Lt. Bartush 8880 “ ” “ Bombing altitude was 14,900 ft.
Lt. Hatfield 151 “ ” “
Lt. Steffens 844 “ ” “ Attacked target at 1147 ½ hours
Lt. Martin, J. 772 “ ” “
Lt. Moore, Q. H. 153 “ ” “ Bombed on squadron leader
Target: 4 x 220 mm guns in casements
Squadron Losses: None Group Losses: None
Remarks: In an effort to eliminate resistance in the Bordeaux area, this group was assigned gun positions to
attack. The attack was coordinated with french Naval vessels who were bombarding the coast while
standing off shore. Due to the smoke in the target area caused by previous bombing, the group was
unable to identify assigned targets. Our squadron furnished the lead squadron for the mission.
16 April 1945 Regensburg Squadron No. 299
Group No. 335
Major Klette 651 None None None High squadron leader
Lt. Martin, J. 772 “ ” “ 6 x 1000 lb. Bombs dropped
Lt. Smith, M.J. Jr. 568 “ ” “ Excellent fighter support
Lt. Santos 889 “ ” “
Lt. Bullen 220 “ ” “ Bombed on squadron leader
Lt. McEwen 151 “ ” “ No observations
Lt. Thompson 8880 “ ” “ # 1 target attacked
Lt. Camp 623 “ ” “ Report bombs hit bridge
Lt. Stevens 690 “ ” “ Observed flak at target
Lt. Banta 936 “ ” “ Time of attack was 1601
Lt. Brooks 618 “ ” “ Had camera on ship
Lt. Moore 844 “ ” “ Meager inaccurate flak at target
Lt. Steffens 610 “ ” “ Report bombs on target
Target: Railroad bridge
Squadron Losses: None Group Losses: None
Remarks: Our squadron furnished the high squadron on a mission to Regensburg, Germany. The primary
target was a railroad bridge on the Western edge of the town. Results of the visual bombing
were excellent.
17 April 1945 Dresden Squadron No. 300
Group No. 336
Major Klette 777 None None None Low squadron leader
Lt. Thompson 8880 “ ” Minor 1353 hours was time of attack
Lt. McEwen 324 “ ” None Observed 6 E/A in target area
Lt. Banta 844 “ ” “ # 1 target attacked
Lt. Camp 568 -------- Missing in action -------
Lt. Moyer 205 None 2 - injured Salvaged T/gunner has fractured tibis and
radio operator has shell fragments
in his knee and leg.
Lt. Martin, J. 772 None None Minor Hit by flak at target
Lt. Bullen 220 “ ” “ 3 ME-410's made a pass at the
low squadron
Lt. Moore 623 “ ” “ Altitude of attack was 20,400 ft.
Lt. Gladitsch 151 “ ” None Report hits on marshaling yard
Lt. Stevens 153 “ ” Minor Fighter support was high, but good
Lt. Pugliese 061 “ ” None Carried 12 x 500 pounders
Target: Railroad round house in Southern most marshaling yard.
Squadron Losses: 1 A/C ( 9 personnel ) Group Losses: 1 A/C ( 9 personnel )
Remarks: The primary target was the Southern marshaling yards in Dresden. Our squadron flew in the low
position and strike photographs showed good to fair results. The group was attacked by 6 or 7
ME-262's while on the bomb run. The E/A made passes at the formation in three ship formations.
20 April 1945 Brandenburg Squadron No. 301
Group No. 338
Major Klette 588 None None None Group leader
Lt. Pate 844 “ ” “ Time of attack 1102 ½ hours
Lt. Nichol 880 “ ” “
Lt. Banta 777 “ ” “ Deputy leader
Lt. Darling 889 “ ” “ 10 x 500 pounders carried
Lt. Moore 623 “ ” “ No observations
Lt. McEwen 959 “ ” “ No flak
Lt. Stevens 153 “ ” “
Lt. Bullen 772 “ ” “ Good fighter support
Lt. Gladitsch 936 “ ” “ Report good results
Lt. Pugliese 276 “ ” “
Lt. Hatfield 615 “ ” “ God results observed by ballturret
Target: Locomotive Depot
Squadron Losses: None Group Losses: None
Remarks: Our squadron lead the group on a visual mission to Brandenburg, Germany. The scope photographs
show good to excellent results. The bomb run was accomplished by the assistance of Gee-H.
Meager A/A fire was encountered from Rathenow.
21 April 1945 Munich Squadron No. 302
Group No. 339
Major Klette 588 None None None High squadron leader
Lt. Nichol 220 “ ” “ # 4 target attacked
Lt. Pate 844 “ ” “ Attacked target at 1040 hours
Lt. Banta 936 “ ” “ Good fighter support
Lt. Darling 889 “ ” “ Carried nickels
Lt. Moore 959 “ ” “
Lt. McEwen 153 “ ” “ 28,600 ft. was altitude of attack
Lt. Hatfield 993 “ ” “
Lt. Thompson 880 “ ” “ Observed flak at target
Lt. Gladitsch 772 “ ” “ Bombed on squadron leader
Lt. Brooks 901 “ ” “
Lt. Pugliese 596 “ ” “ Unobserved bombing results
Target: Road bridge over a marshaling yard in Western Munich.
Squadron Losses: None Group Losses: None
Remarks: The target was an overpass in the Western marshaling yards of Munich. The target was attacked by
P.F.F. methods. Our squadron flew in the high position on this mission.
25 April 1945 Pilsen Squadron No. 303
Group No. 340
Lt. Col. Klette 588 None None None Low squadron leader
Lt. Nichol, J.F. 623 “ ” Major Attacked # 1 target
Lt. Moyer 000 “ ” Minor Bombs away at 1037 hours
Lt. Gladitsch 884 “ ” Major Battle damage caused by flak
Lt. Corsa 889 “ ” “ 7/10's cloud at target
Lt. Hatfield 061 “ ” Minor Unobserved bombing results
Lt. Woolard 959 “ ” Major Hit by flak at target
F/O Schafts 860 “ ” Minor Observed 4 B-17's going down
at target
Lt. Steffens 772 “ ” Major Good fighter support
Lt. McEwen 153 “ ” “ 9 bombs brought back-hung up
Lt. Pate 844 “ ” “ Flak was moderate and accurate
Lt. Darling 936 “ ” “ Bombing altitude was 21,100 ft.
Target: Airfield
Squadron Losses: None Group Losses: None
Remarks: We furnished the low squadron for this mission to Pilsen, Czechoslvakia. The target was an airfield
on the South West outskirts of Pilsen. Bombing was done visually by this squadron with unobserved
results. This was an area attack on the city of Pilsen and its industries.
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