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Dailies of the 322nd Squadron
Transcribed by Frank Farr
Scanned by Don Freer
Transcribed by Frank Farr
Period Covered: 1 January 1945 to 31 January 1945
Prepared by: SAMUEL Y. GIBBON, Capt. A. F.
Sgt. Gentile, A. F.
1. List of Briefings and completed missions.
2. Completed mission summaries
3. Loading lists (one copy only to go with original).
4. Confirmed enemy aircraft claims.
5. Prisoners of war.
6. Personnel changes.
7. Personnel completing operational tours during Jan. 45
8. Crews missing in action.
9. Miscellaneous.
Brief.# Mission # Date
Target Disposition
415 274
1 Jan. ‘45 Kassel
416 275
2 Jan. ‘45 Prum
417 276 3
Jan. ‘45 Koln
418 277
5 Jan. ‘45 Koblenz
419 278
6 Jan. ‘45 Koln
420 279 10
Jan. ‘45 Ostheim
421 280 14
Jan. ‘45 Koln
422 281 15
Jan. ‘45 Ingolstadt Completed
16 Jan. ‘45 Berlin
424 282 17
Jan. ‘45 Paderborn
425 283 20
Jan. ‘45 Ludwigshaven Complete
426 284 21
Jan. ‘45 Aschaffenburg
427 285 22
Jan. ‘45 Sterkrade
27 Jan. ‘45 Bremen
429 286 28
Jan. ‘45 Koln
430 287
29 Jan. ‘45 Niederlahnstein Complete
31 Jan. ‘45 “A” Berlin
“B” Berlin Scrubbed
Kassel 1 Jan. 1945
REMARKS: The group bombed Kassel with good results,
but the 322nd Squadron was stood down for the day.
Cologne 3 Jan. 1945
745 PFF Lt. Towner
333 Lt. Marlow
889 Lt. Chase
088 Lt. Schuck
596 Lt. Fuller
790 Lt. Smoley
578 Lt. Troccoli
761 Lt. Johnson
707 Lt. Alexander
308 Lt. Mathers
755 Lt. Price
901 Lt. Reinhart
568 Lt. Miller
REMARKS: Ten tenths cloud cover over the entire route
and the target area necessitated bombing the secondary
target (industrial area of Cologne) by PFF equipment
with unobserved results. Meager inaccurate A/A fire
in the target area resulted in minor damage to only
one A/C of the 322nd Squadron which was flying the
high squadron with 1st Lt. Marsh leading.
630 PFF Lt. Goodrich
308 Lt. Mathers
755 Lt. Fuller
088 Lt. Schuck
707 Lt. Miller
901 Lt. Reinhart
333 Lt. Chase
761 Lt. Price
596 Lt. Roach
095 Lt. Van Blarcom
790 Lt. Smoley
578 Lt. Troccoli
REMARKS: 1st Lt. (now Capt.) Goodrich led the low
squadron which was furnished by the 322nd. 10/10ths
cloud cover from 5 degrees to 8 degrees east made it
necessary to bomb secondary PFF target which was the
R/R Marshalling yards in
group formation with what was believed to be good
results. Meager and inaccurate A/A fire in the target
area resulted in no damage to any of our A/C.
REMARKS: The Marshalling yards in the Northeast
section of
what are believed to be good results. The 322nd
Squadron was stood down for the day.
Ostheim, 10 Jan. 1945
630 PFF Capt. Newquist
351 Lt. Schroeder
707 Lt. Alexander
027 Lt. Reinhart
088 Lt. Marlow
755 Lt. Van Blarcom
308 Lt. Mathers
578 Lt. Richert
790 Lt. Smoley
596 Lt. Roach
333 Lt. Ashlock
901 Lt. Chase
REMARKS: Capt. Newquist flying with Lt. Towner led
the 1st “C” group in a visual attack on the Ostheim
airdrome. Strike photographs from the lead squadron
show excellent results with the assigned WPI well
covered with a good pattern of bursts. Accurate
moderate flak at the target produced major damage to 6
A/C of this Squadron. Lt. Van Blarcom, in A/C #755,
unable to make the group formation at assembly flew
with the 303rd group of the 41st CBW attacking
Bonn-Hangelar A/C with what appeared to be good
Cologne, 14 Jan. 1945
632 PFF Lt. Goodrich
095 Lt. Van Blarcom
790 Lt. Smoley
761 Lt. Reichert
596 Lt. Fuller
707 Lt. Alexander
308 Lt. Troccoli
333 Lt. Ernst
901 Lt. Marsh
088 Lt. Miller
755 Lt. Price
000 Lt. Marlow
578 Lt. Reinhart
REMARKS: The Deutsch bridge over the Rhine River in
Cologne which was the assigned primary target was well
covered by a good pattern of bursts from this group
which flew as 1st “A.” Dense smoke from bomb bursts
makes damage assessment impossible but the bombing was
excellent. Capt. Goodrich flew the lead of the high
squadron which was furnished by the 322nd Squadron.
Five A/C of this Squadron received minor flak damage.
Ingolstadt, 15 Jan. 1945
632 FFF Capt. Goodrich
027 Lt. Johnson
707 Lt. Alexander
761 Lt. Ernst
308 Lt. Mathers
790 Lt. Swegle
095 Lt. Fuller
578 Lt. Reichert
088 Lt. Miller
000 Lt. Marsh
333 Lt. Ashlock
755 Lt. Roach
REMARKS: Capt. Goodrich again flew the lead position
in the squadron which flew as the low of the 1st “C”
group. The secondary target which was the marshalling
yards and R/R workshops in
PFF methods with unobserved results.
REMARKS: A Railroad target in
the group with the aid of instruments with unobserved
results. The 322nd Squadron was stood down.
Ludwigshaven, 20 Jan. 1945
083 PFF Capt. Thompson - Maj. Thompson
755 Lt. Price
630 Lt. Schroeder
000 Lt. Johnson
088 Lt. Miller
027 Lt. Troccoli
578 Lt. Chase
761 Lt. Ernst
333 Lt. Ashlock
308 Lt. Mathers
790 Lt. Roach
901 Lt. Marlow
095 Lt. Van Blarcom
RESULTS: Major Thompson flew as pilot in the lead
A/C with Capt. Walter W. Thompson acting as Air
Commander of the 1st “B” group. The
Mannheim-Ludwigshaven bridge over the
assigned target which was bombed with PFF with results
that were unobserved. From plotting of “Mickey” scope
photos and some strike photos of the area beyond the
target it is believed that good results were obtained.
The lead and high squadrons suffered no battle damage
but the low squadron had 11 A/C with minor damage.
Aschaffenburg 21 Jan. 1945
475 PFF Capt. Newquist
333 Lt. Reinhart
027 Lt. Marlow
761 Lt. Ernst
578 Lt. Troccoli
790 Lt. Smoley
755 Lt. Price
000 Lt. Johnson
088 Lt. Fuller
558 Lt. Chase
901 Lt. Marsh
623 Lt. Van Blarcom
040 Lt. Mathers
REMARKS: Capt. Newquist led the high squadron
furnished by the 322nd. The Marshalling yards at
unobserved results in group formation with what are
believed to be good results. No battle damage.
Lt. Fuller in A/C #088 was unable to make the group
formation and flew with the 305th Group bombing the
same target.
Sterkrade, 22 Jan. 1945
357 Lt. Towner
707 Lt. Chase
596 Lt. Davidson
088 Lt. Schuck
755 Lt. Marlow
083 Lt. Van Blarcom
324 Lt. Troccoli
761 Lt. Ashlock
578 Lt. Reinhart
000 Lt. Johnson
504 Lt. Miller
790 Lt. Pearson
REMARKS: Lt. Towner led the low squadron of the 1st
“A” group with Major Thompson flying as his pilot.
The synthetic oil plant at Sterkrade was bombed
visually with excellent results. Many hits to vital
installations can be seen in the strike photos from
each of the two squadrons. Lt. Van Blarcom’s A/C #083
was hit by flak before and after bombs away in the
target area, crippling #2 and #4 engines which could
not be feathered and continued to windmill.
Co-pilot’s oxygen system and all the system on the
right side of the A/C was knocked out and he was forced
to descend to 14,000 feet where he hoped to be able
to stay under the formation. The electrical system
was disabled and the Gee box and all instruments
except the magnetic compass in the cockpit were
inoperable. In spite of the lack of navigational
equipment they were able to hit the English coast at
Lowestoft, and endeavored to land at
to find that it was socked in. Going over to Medfield
the wheels were cranked down by hand, the brake
pressure built up manually and a landing was
accomplished successfully, the A/C coming to a stop a
few feet short of the end of the runway. During the
trip back to
extinguished by chopping a hole from the bomb bay into
the wing and using a hand extinguisher.
REMARKS: While the 322nd Squadron was stood down for
the day the group bombed the
approaches to the bridge were well covered with bomb
Niederlahnstein, 29 Jan. 1945
478 PFF Capt. Newquist
578 Lt. Reichert
093 Lt. Van Blarcom
027 Lt. Fuller
088 Lt. Miller
306 Lt. Marlow
755 Lt. Swegle
596 Lt. Roach
000 Lt. Chase
901 Lt. Reinhart
294 Lt. Ashlock
707 Lt. Davidson
790 Lt. Troccoli
REMARKS: The railway center at Niederlahnstein, about
three miles south of Coblenz, was bombed by GEE-H
methods in group formation with what are believed to
be good results as the equipment was working perfectly
and a good bomb run was made. Capt. Newquist flew as
air commander with Capt. Towner as his pilot. Lt.
Ashlock in
A/C #294 had trouble with his #2 engine a few miles
before the target. He had to feather the engine and
could not keep up with the formation. Later reports
state that he landed safely in friendly territory with
all of his crew but with the A/C badly damaged.
The 322nd Bomb Squadron had no E/A claims for the
month of January, 1945.
During the month of January, 1945, notification has
been received that the following personnel of the
322nd Bomb Squadron are prisoners of war:
1/Lt Hammer, Roy A. (P)
T/Sgt Dallas, Jack R. (TTG)
1/Lt. Freer, Donald R. (P)
2/Lt Rieker, Thomas H. (N)
January, 1945
1. Strength: Officers 98. F/O 9. E/M 438.
2. No change.
3. 2/Lt Robert T. Anderson (Mickey Oper.)
assigned squadron.
4. Following officers transferred to 70th Repl
Depot AAF Station 594: 1st Lt. Joseph G. Daigle, 1/Lt
William H.
Oper.) promoted to 1st Lt.
5. No change.
6. No change.
7. No change.
8. Following officers trfd to 70th Repl Depot AAF
Station 594: Capt. Milzia C. Ellis, 1/Lt Robert Oien,
1/Lt Murle Webb, 1/Lt Joseph Campolong.
Following officers assigned to Squadron:
Marvin L. Pearson (P), F/O Wallace J. Harpster (CP),
2/Lt John C. Bosworth (N), F/O George G. Burnett (B).
9. No change.
10. No change.
11. No change.
12. Capt. William T. Koranda (Mickey Oper.)
transferred to 482nd Bomb Group (H).
13. Capt. Million, Donald A.
Officer), trfd to Hq., 91st Bomb Group (H).
14. No change.
15. No change.
16. No change.
17. No change
18. No change.
19. No change.
20. No change.
21. Following 2/Lts promoted to 1/Lts -
Darrell O. Butler, Edward E. Chase, Robert Marlow,
Dudley B. Mathers Jr., Joseph J. Troccoli, Nelson D.
Van Blarcom.
22. Following 2/Lts promoted to 1/Lts -
Robert J. Bailey, Robert E. Fuller. 2/Lt Charles F.
Hadd (Radar Observer) assigned squadron.
23. No change.
24. No change.
25. No change.
26. 1/Lt Elsmore C. Maney (Electronics
Officer) assigned to Squadron.
27. 1/Lt Elias J. Alexander Jr. and
Frederick L. Christopher trfd to 70th Repl Depot.
28. 1/Lt Ferrell K., Goodrich and 1/Lt
Francis M. Towner promoted to captain.
29. No change.
30. Following officers trfd to 70th Repl
Depot: 1/Lt John A. Wallace, 1/Lt Howard L. Mahan,
1/Lt Robert L. Schuck, F/O Francis X. Quinn. Major
Ray E. Swain trfd to 127th Repl Bn. Station 791.
31. No change. Strength: Officers 88. F/O
10. E/M 423.
Rank Name Missions
Date Completed
Capt. Milzia C. Ellis 35-0 2
Jan. 1945
1/Lt Murle Webb
1/Lt Robert G. Oien
1/Lt Joseph Campolong Jr. 35-0
T/Sgt Edward M. Shaw Jr. 35-0
Cpl. Hyman Stavitsky
35-0 “
T/Sgt Alfred P. Murphy 35-0
S/Sgt Russell L. Waggoner 35-0
S/Sgt Jimmie D. Mills Jr. 35-0 3
Jan. 1945
T/Sgt Lee R. Schofield Jr. 35-0
3 Jan. 1945
S/Sgt Dennis J. Moore 35-0
3 Jan. 1945
T/Sgt Richard L. Carboneau 33-2
5 Jan. 1945
Capt. William T. Koranda 29-1
S/Sgt Anthony J. Baummer 35-0 20 Jan. 1945
S/Sgt Thomas C. Lakos 35-0
1/Lt John A. Wallace
30-0 22
Jan. 1945
1/Lt Robert L. Schuck 35-0 “
1F/O Francis X. Quinn
35-0 “
1/Lt Howard F. Mahan
35-0 “
T/Sgt Malcolm J. Tuohy 35-0
T/Sgt Peter L. Pesoli 35-0
S/Sgt Harold Gross 35-0
S/Sgt Nick Sasyk
35-0 “
1/Lt Edwin V. Kemp
35-0 28
Jan. 1945
January 1945
During the month of January, 1945, the 322nd Bomb
Squadron had no losses of personnel or aircraft.
Covered: 1 February 1945 to 28 February 1945
Prepared by: Samuel Y. Gibbon, Capt., A.C.
Sgt. Gentile, A. F.
1. List of Briefings and completed missions.
2. Completed mission summaries.
3. Loading lists (one copy only to go with original)
4. Confirmed enemy aircraft claims.
5. Prisoners of War.
6. Personnel changes.
7. Personnel completing operational tours during
February 1945.
8. Crews missing in action.
9. Miscellaneous
February 1945
Brief.# Mission # Date
Target Disposition
432 288
1 Feb. 45 Mannheim
2 Feb. 45 “A” Berlin
“B” Dresden Scrubbed
434 289
3 Feb. 45 Berlin
435 290
6 Feb. 45 Gotha
7 Feb. 45 Osterfeld Recalled
8 Feb. 45 Wesel
438 291
9 Feb. 45 Altenbeken
10 Feb. 45 Kassel
11 Feb. 45 Munster
13 Feb. 45 “A” Kassel Scrubbed
“B” Dresden Scrubbed
442 292
14 Feb. 45 Lead U/I/T/O Completed
& Lo Prague Completed.
443 293
15 Feb. 45
444 294
16 Feb. 45
17 Feb. 45 Bohlen
18 Feb. 45 Altenbeken
447 295
19 Feb. 45 Dortmund
448 296
20 Feb. 45 Nuremberg
449 297
21 Feb. 45 Nuremberg
450 298
22 Feb. 45 Stendal
451 299
23 Feb. 45 Meiningen
452 300
24 Feb. 45 Hamburg
453 301
26 Feb. 45 Berlin
454 302
27 Feb. 45 Leipzig
455 303
28 Feb. 45 Schwerte
A/C# Target Date
Mannheim 1 February 1945
478 Capt. Goodrich
306 Lt. Marlow
596 Lt. Swegle
000 Lt. Ernst
308 Lt. Mathers
205 Lt. Price
088 Lt. Troccoli
095 Lt. Schroeder
578 Lt. Reinhart
333 Lt. Fuller
901 Lt. Marsh
707 Lt. Pearson
790 Lt. Smoley
REMARKS: Capt. Goodrich, flying with 1st Lt. Miller,
led the high squadron which was furnished by the 322nd
Squadron. The group flew as 1st “C” and attacked the
marshalling yards at
by PFF methods. Bombing was done in group formation.
Results were unobserved,. Meager and inaccurate flak
at target produced no battle damage.
Berlin 3 February 1945
475 Capt. Ellis
308 Lt. Mathers
707 Lt. Pearson
000 Lt. Ernst
095 Lt. Van Blarcom
578 Lt. Chase
755 Lt. Reinhart
901 Lt. Marsh
333 Lt. Roach
761 Lt. Marlow
790 Lt. Smoley
088 Lt. Swegle
REMARKS: Primary Target: Berlin, Communications
A communications center in the heart of
bombed visually with very good results, although dense
smoke from bombing by preceding formations made pin
pointing of strikes impossible. The 322nd Squadron
furnished low Squadron.
with Capt. Ellis and Maj. Thompson
in the lead A/C. The group was subjected to moderate
accurate flak over the target, the low squadron.
receiving minor damage to 8 A/C and major damage to 3
A/C. The group lead A/C with Lt. Col. Lord, Group
Operations Officer, flying as air commander, was hit
in the waist over the target and seen to break in
half. Four parachutes were seen. One other A/C from
the lead squadron is MIA from unknown causes.
REMARKS: The marshalling yards at
visually with fair results by this group flying as 1st
“A.” The 322nd Squadron was stood down for the day.
Altenbeken - 9 February 1945
357 Capt. Newquist
000 Lt. Schroeder
761 Lt. Chase
707 Lt. Davidson
088 Lt. Fuller
308 Lt. Mathers
755 Lt. Troccoli
598 Lt. Roach
306 Lt. Swegle
333 Lt. Pearson
095 Lt. Van Blarcom
790 Lt. Smoley
REMARKS: Primary Target: Altenbeken, Railway Viaduct
Major Close, Air commander, and Capt. Newquist led the
group on this mission to attack a R/R viaduct at
Altenbeken near Paderborn. Bombing was done by Gee-H
methods with all three squadrons reporting excellent
runs and Gee-fixes at bombs away, confirming the
accuracy of the bomb runs. On the bomb run just past
the I.P. the leader was forced to make a 360 degree
turn to avoid another group which was on a collision
with this one. No flak was encountered on the mission
and there was no enemy opposition in the air.
Prague - 14 February 1945
573 Capt. Ellis, F. D.
761 Lt. Reichert
306 Lt. Marlow
901 Lt. Bonner
333 Lt. Swegle
595 Lt. Roach
790 Lt. Smoley
000 Lt. Miller
308 Lt. Mathers
578 Lt. Troccoli
088 Lt. Reinhart
095 Lt. Van Blarcom
027 Lt. Fuller
REMARKS: “B” Plan Primary Target: Dresden
“A” Plan Primary Target:
Kassel Locomotive Works
The high squadron with Capt. Ellis and Lt. Johnson in
the lead A/C was furnished by the lead A/C was
furnished by the 322nd Squadron. The group flew as
1st “B” in the division lineup, and following the
Division leader, who went West and South of course to
avoid an unexpected front of bad weather, the city of
Prague was bombed by PFF methods instead of Dresden,
the assigned primary target. Meager inaccurate flak
at the target did little or no damage, but moderate
and accurate flak at Munster on the route out resulted
in major damage to one A/C and minor damage to 6 A/C
of this squadron were forced to land on the continent
due to battle damage or gas shortage. Capt. Ellis
made a wheels up crash landing at
a field. Due to the skillful handling no one on the
A/C was injured but the plane is category “E.” Lt.
Robert E. Fuller, pilot of A/C #027, was wounded by
flak over Munster, and due to severe damage to his A/C
turned back at about 0700 degrees E. landing at A-83
after jettisoning ball turret. Lt. Fuller was left at
a hospital on the continent with injuries that were
not believed to be serious.
Dresden - 15 February 1945
Primary Target: Bohlen Synthetic Oil Plant
630 Capt. Goodrich
095 Lt. Schroeder
707 Lt. Davidson
431 Lt. Van Blarcom
490 Lt. Pearson
901 Lt. Bonner
088 Lt. Reinhart
040 Lt. Swegle
755 Lt. Price
308 Lt. Mathers
000 Lt. Miller
REMARKS: The 322nd Squadron furnished the lead A/C,
with Capt. Goodrich and Lt. Marsh, plus ten other A/C
of the low squadron for this composite group. The
lead squadron was also furnished by the 91st with
Major Klette as air commander, and the high squadron
was furnished by the 398th Bomb Group. Due to solid
undercast over the target areas the secondary target
which was the city of
equipment with unobserved results. The low squadron
was forced to bomb on the smoke markers of the lead
due to a failure in their mickey equipment. No
flak was encountered and no damage received.
Primary Target:
REMARKS: Major Taylor of the 323rd Squadron led this
mission to attack a benzol plant at
visually with very good results. The 322nd Sqdn. was
stood down for the day.
Dortmund - 19 February 1945
Primary Target: Dortmund Synthetic Oil Plant
357 Lt. Marsh
651 Lt. Price
333 Lt. Swegle
790 Lt. Reinhart
306 Lt. Marlow
596 Lt. Roach
755 Lt. Mathers
000 Lt. Miller
707 Lt. Chase
901 Lt. Bonner
591 Lt. Ashlock
095 Lt. Pearson
REMARKS: Major Thompson flying with Lt. Marsh was air
commander for this mission which attacked a synthetic
oil plant at Dortmund by Gee-H methods with unobserved
results. Due to failure of the Gee-H equipment in the
high squadron the bombing was done in group formation
after what was considered an excellent Gee- run and
the Mickey operator was able to confirm that bombs
were away at the proper time. Outside of minor battle
damage to the lead A/C no damage was received by A/C
of this squadron which furnished the lead.
Primary Target: Nuremberg
R/R workshops
651 Capt. Towner
095 Lt. Van Blarcom
000 Lt. Miller
591 Lt. Ashlock
707 Lt. Pearson
308 Lt. Mathers
755 Lt. Chase
153 Lt. Price
306 Lt. Marlow
790 Lt. Reinhart
333 Lt. Swegle
596 Lt. Roach
901 Lt. Bonner
REMARKS: Capt. Towner led the squadron which was
flying in the high position of the 1st “B”group
attacking the marshalling yards in Nuremberg
by H2X
equipment with unobserved results. This squadron lost
the lead and low squadrons while flying through clouds
during the division assembly over the channel and flew
the entire mission alone. No damage was received by
any A/C of this squadron.
- 21 February 1945
Primary Target: Nuremberg
651 Lt. Marsh
000 Lt. Miller
755 Lt. Price
308 Lt. Chase
095 Lt. Van Blarcom
578 Lt. Pearson
707 Lt. Davidson
379 Lt. Ashlock
901 Lt. Bonner
306 Lt. Marlow
333 Lt. Swegle
596 Lt. Lein
REMARKS: Lt. Marsh and Lt. Schroeder flew the lead
ship of the squadron on this mission in the low
position. The Secondary target, the marshalling yards
and R/R station in
10/10ths clouds by H2X methods with unobserved
results. The mickey equipment of the low squadron
failed to work properly and the squadron dropped on
the smoke markers of the lead squadron. No damage was
Stendal - 22 February 1945
Primary Target:
REMARKS: The R/R traffic center at Stendal was
bombed visually with very good results by all three
squadrons of the group. The 322nd Squadron was stood
down for the day.
Lead and Low: Meiningen
High: Hildburghausen
Primary Target: Hoof
- Rail Center
777 Capt. Towner
630 Lt. Price
578 Lt. Mathers
306 Lt. Chase
790 Lt. Bonner
308 Lt. Troccoli
088 Lt. Marlow
000 Lt. Miller
707 Lt. Davidson
095 Lt. Van Blarcom
591 Lt. Ashlock
596 Lt. Lien
REMARKS: Major Newquist, Air Commander, and Capt.
Towner flew the lead A/C of the 1st “B” group for
which the 322nd furnished the lead squadron. The
assigned target at
based on information furnished by Buckeye scouting
force it was decided to bomb the R/R yards at
Meiningen. The electrical equipment of the lead A/C
was inoperative so the lead was assumed by the deputy
group leader, Lt. Price, Pilot. Visual runs were made
by the lead and low squadrons with results that cannot
be properly assessed due to cloud and ground haze over
the target, but believed to generally good. The high
squadron bombed another unidentified rail target
believed to be Hildburghausen. Accurate flak
encountered over the front lines resulted in major
battle damage to three A/C of this squadron and minor
damage to five.
Hamburg - 24 February 1945
Primary Target: Hamburg U-Boat
Building Slips
475 Capt. Ellis, F. D.
578 Lt. Reichert
964 Lt. Marlow
790 Lt. Pearson
095 Lt. Van Blarcom
308 Lt. Troccoli
591 Lt. Ashlock
333 Lt. Miller
959 Lt. Chase
844 Lt. Johnson
772 Lt. Hansen
596 Lt. Roach
REMARKS: Capt. Ellis led the high squadron furnished
by the 322nd. The group attacked an oil plant in
that are believed to be good. Meager to moderate and
inaccurate flak at the target did not damage any A/C
in the squadron.
Berlin - 26 February 1945
Primary Target: Berlin Schlesischer Station
630 Capt. Goodrich
591 Lt. Ashlock
790 Lt. Smoley
615 Lt. Reichert
088 Lt. Hansen
431 Lt. Chase
263 Lt. Lien
806 Lt. Roach
964 Lt. Reichert
333 Lt. Pearson
308 Lt. Pearson
576 Lt. Troccoli
REMARKS: The Schlesischer R/R Station in Berlin was
bombed with H2X equipment with unobserved results but
plotting of mickey scope photos indicates very good
results. The 322nd furnished the low squadron with
Capt. Goodrich leading. The overcast plus radar
countermeasures resulted in very inaccurate over the
target with no damage at all to this squadron and only
one A/C in the entire group received minor damage.
Primary Target:
REMARKS: The city of
equipment with unobserved results. This squadron was
stood down for the day.
28 February 1945
Primary Target: Schwerte R/R Marshalling Yards
145 Capt. Towner
333 Lt. Van Blarcom
630 Lt. Reichert
588 Lt. Davidson
960 Lt. Reinhart
306 Lt. Troccoli
755 Lt. Hansen
790 Lt. Smoley
014 Lt. Chase
707 Lt. Pearson
591 Lt. Miller
901 Lt. Snipes
REMARKS: The 322nd Squadron furnished the lead
squadron for this mission with Major Close as Air
Commander and Capt. Towner lead pilot. The target
which was the R/R yards in Schwerte was bombed by the
low and high squadrons by Gee-H methods with what were
believed to be very good results. The Gee-H equipment
in the lead ship went out just after the I.P. and Major
Close led the squadron in a 360 degree turn permitting
the low and high to continue on their bombing run.
The lead squadron returned to bomb the target with
mickey equipment assisted by Gee-H equipment which
determined the rate. No battle damage.
February 1945
The 322nd Squadron had no E/A claims for the month of
February 1945. Enemy Aircraft were seen on various
missions but none attacked this group.
February 1945
During the month of February 1945, notification has
been received that the following personnel of the
322nd Bomb Squadron are prisoners of war:
1/Lt Gallagher, Joseph M.
T/Sgt Paluse, John W.
T/Sgt Cereszewski, Joseph A. (RO)
T/Sgt Nagy, William
S/Sgt Willey, James M. Jr.
1/Lt Retschel,
Raymond F. (B)
1/Lt Kitzman, Donald H.
Sgt. Smith, Louis M.
February 1945
Major Karl W. Thompson, Squadron C.O., was made 91st
Group Operations Officer, succeeding Lt. Col. Lord,
who is MIA from mission on 3 February 1945 to Berlin.
Major Edwin F. Close was appointed Commanding Officer
of the 322nd Bomb Squadron to succeed Major Thompson.
As Squadron Commander, Major Thompson saw the 322nd
Squadron through a period of considerable achievement,
culminating with the record of being the leading
squadron in the group for practically all operating
records. While the transfer to the group will give
him greater scope for his abilities, the squadron will
miss an able and conscientious Commanding Officer.
February 1945
1. Strength: Officers 98. E/M
2. No change.
3. Capt. Rheem trfd to 482nd Bomb Squadron (H).
4. No change
5. 2nd Lts. Warren H. Allen and
promoted to 1st Lts.
Following officers
assigned squadron: 2/Lt
Woodrow A. Lien (P), F/O Michael H. Zabiaks (109), F/O
trfd to Group Headquarters. Capt. Jerald
L. Newquist
(Oper. Officer) trfd to Group Headquarters. Major
Edwin F. Close assigned as new C.O.
6. 1/Lt Edwin V. Kemp trfd to 70th Repl Depot.
2/Lts Daniel S. Mayka and
Jay J. Kane promoted
to 1st Lts.
7. No change.
8. No change.
9. 1/Lts Lewis Z. Strauss and Arthur Ernst trfd
70th Repl Depot.
Following 2/Lts promoted to 1/Lts: Thomas A.
Norton, Harold L. Reinhart, William J. Rudy, James E.
Connolly, Paul G. Wrighter.
11. Following officers assigned squadron: 2/Lt
B. Jansen, F/O Robert B. Schlicker, Gerard F. Seifert.
12. No change.
13. 2/Lt William R. Snipes, 2/Lt Irac H. Hendrickson,
Jr., 2/Lt Otto A. Bremer, 2/Lt Glen W. Crumbles,
Milton J. Ural,
2/Lt Glendon
J,. Schooner,
Arah J.
Walks, 2/Lt Thomas P. Lennon, Jr.
14. No change.
15. No change.
16. No change.
17. Following officers assigned squadron: 2/Lt
William P. D. Wilson, Jr., F/O Edward F. Wasiuta, F/O
John J. Tirpak, 2/Lt William L. Kicker.
18. No change
19. 1/Lt Heirlett trfd to 70th Repl Depot.
20. No change.
21. No change.
22. F/O Bernard S. Klebeck appointed 2/Lt.
23. No change.
24. No change.
25. 1/Lt Fink, James R. trd to 70th Repl Depot.
26. No change.
S/Sgt Hinerman died 1035 hrs. Inquest revealed
coronary occlusion acute.
28. No change.
Strength: Officers
108. E/M 430
Following E/M were
married this month: Sgt.
Francis J. Gibbon, Cpl. Walter Lafferty, Cpl. Gerald
1/Lt Arthur Ernst
(P) 35-0
3 Feb.
1/Lt Lewis Z. Strauss (N/B)
35-0 “
T/Sgt Alvis O. Garner (E)
35-0 “
T/Sgt Alva E. Smith (RO)
35-0 “
S/Sgt Herbert L. Craft
(G) 35-0
S/Sgt William E. Davis (G)
35-0 “
S/Sgt William A. Hogan (G)
S/Sgt Basil H. Hall (G)
35-0 “
1/Lt James R. Fink (P)
35-0 14
S/Sgt Richard E. Hayes
35-0 “
S/Sgt Paul R. Holeman (G)
35-0 “
1/Lt Rayolyn W. Schroeder (P)
35-0 15
1/Lt John D. Hewlett
(P) 35-0
1/Lt. David R. Lewis (Radar
N.) 35-0 “
T/Sgt Raymond C. Banciki (E)
T/Sgt Guthrie S. Kennard (E)
21 Feb.
1/Lt Charles H. Bonner (P)
23 Feb.
T/Sgt Andrew D. Suppo (RO)
35-0 24
1/Lt James H. Koranda (N)
35-0 26 Feb.
T/Sgt David Welnowitz (E)
26 Feb.
T/Sgt Frank F. Herzog (G)
35-0 26 Feb.
T/Sgt William G. Findlon Jr.(RO) 35-0
During the month of February 1945, the 322nd Bomb
Squadron had no losses of personnel or aircraft.
Period covered: 1 March 1945 to 31 March 1945
Prepared by Samuel Y. Gibbon, Capt. A.C.
Sgt. A. F. Gentile
1. List of Briefings and completed missions.
2. Completed mission summaries.
3. Loading Lists (one copy only to go with original).
4. Confirmed enemy aircraft claims.
5. Prisoners of War.
6. Personnel changes.
7. Personnel completing operational tours during March
8. Crews missing in action.
March 1945
Brief # Mission # Date
Target Disposition
456 304
1 Mar 1945 Heilbrownn Completed
457 305
2 Mar 1945 Ld & Lo Chemnitz Completed
Hi Jocketa Completed
458 306
3 Mar 1945 Chemnitz
459 307
4 Mar 1945 Ld Reutlingen Completed
Hi & Lo Ulm Completed
460 308
7 Mar 1945 Ld,Hi Dortmund Completed
Lo Giessen Completed
461 309
8 Mar 1945 Hals
462 310
9 Mar 1945 Kassel
463 311 10
Mar 1945 Sinsen
(ED. NOTE: From this point on, the typist of the
report made a mistake, juxtaposing the Briefing number
and the Mission number. I have placed them in the
correct order. - FF)
464 312 12 Mar 1945 Dillenburg
465 313 14 Mar
1945 Vlotho
466 315 15
Mar 1945 Oranienburg Completed
16 Mar 1945 Leipzig
468 315 17 Mar
1945 Bohlen
469 316 18 Mar
1945 Berlin
470 317 19 Mar
1945 Plauen
471 318 21 Mar
1945 Rheine/Salzbergen Completed
472 319 22 Mar
1945 Dorsten
473 320 23 Mar
1945 Coesfeld
474 321 24 Mar
1945 Vechta
475 322 24 Mar
1945 Twente/Enschede Completed
25 Mar 1945 Zeitz
26 Mar 1945 Ebrach
27 Mar 1945 Fulda
479 323 28 Mar
1945 Spanden
480 324 30 Mar
1945 Bremen
481 325 31
Mar 1945 Halle
Heilbrownn M/Y - 1 March 1945
Primary Target: Heilbrownn M/Y
475 Capt. Goodrich
755 Lt. Price
901 Lt. Mathers
596 Lt. Marlow
707 Lt. Davidson
000 Lt. Hansen
308 Lt. Snipes
790 Lt. Smoley
333 Lt. Swegle
591 Lt. Pearson
964 Lt. Van Blarcom
306 Lt. Chase
578 Lt. Troccoli
REMARKS: Capt. Goodrich led the high squadron on
today’s mission flying with F/O Hogle. The primary
target - railway traffic center in Heilbrownn - was
bombed by Gee-H methods with unobserved results.
Equipment was functioning properly and a good run was
made. Three A/C received minor damage from flak
enroute to target.
Chemnitz - 2 March 1945
Target attacked: Railway M/Y
Primary Target: Bohlen Synthetic Oil Plant
471 Capt. Ellis
964 Lt. Reinhart
333 Lt. Swegle
755 Lt. Price
578 Lt. Snipes
095 Lt. Van Blarcom
088 Lt. Hansen
591 Lt. Ashlock
000 Lt. Marlow
707 Lt. Davidson
790 Lt. Smoley
901 Lt. Wrighter
REMARKS: Capt. Ellis, flying with Lt. Chase, led the
low squadron, attacking the Railway M/Yds in Chemnitz
by H2X methods with unobserved results. Flak was
observed but not encountered. Due to difficulty with
H2X equipment this squadron found it necessary to make
a second run on the target.
Chemnitz 3 March 1945
Target Attacked:
Primary Target: Ruhland Synthetic Oil Plant
REMARKS: Again it was necessary to bomb the Secondary
Target due to cloud cover over the primary. The M/Yds
Squadron did not fly.
Reutlingen - 4 March 1945
Target attacked: Reutlingen Railway Junction
Primary Target: Ulm Tank and Vehicle Factory
588 Major Newquist, Capt. Towner
471 Lt. Reichert
000 Lt. Miller
596 Lt. Troccoli
707 Lt. Marlow
901 Lt. Wrighter
790 Lt. Smoley
333 Lt. Swegle
088 Lt. Lien
095 Lt. Ashlock
755 Lt. Snipes
308 Lt. Reinhart
REMARKS: Maj. Newquist flew with Capt. Towner as
Group Air Commander of 1st “C” group. The primary
target was the tank and vehicle factory at
lead squadron was making a good Gee-H run on the
target when another squadron of B-17s passed directly
below them and prevented a bomb release. The railway
junction at
with unobserved results. This was the assigned last
resort target. No flak was encountered.
Dortmund - 7 March 1945
Primary Target: Dortmund Coking Plant
475 Capt. Ellis
755 Lt. Price
901 Lt. Wrighter
095 Lt. Pearson
088 Lt. Chase
578 Lt. Schone
790 Lt. Hansen
000 Lt. Miller
964 Lt. Reinhart
308 Lt. Mathers
306 Lt. Marlow
596 Lt. Lien
333 Lt. Swegle
Huls - 8 March 1945
Primary Target: Hulz Synthetic Rubber Factory
475 Capt. Goodrich
755 Lt. Price
790 Lt. Hansen
095 Lt. Van Blarcom
578 Lt. Troccoli
591 Lt. Pearson
308 Lt. Mathers
000 Lt. Miller
306 Lt. Marlow
596 Lt. Lien
964 Lt. Reinhart
088 Lt. Schone
REMARKS: A benzol plant at Huls, the assigned target,
was bombed by Gee-H methods with unobserved results,
but it is reported that equipment was working
perfectly and a good run was made by all three
squadrons. Capt. Goodrich flying with Lt. D.S. Smith
led the low squadron furnished by the 322nd. No
damage from flak to any A/C. Lt. Schone flying A/C
#088 brought his bombs back due to a bomb rack
588 Maj. Close
777 Lt. Price
306 Lt. Swegle
578 Lt. Mathers
964 Lt. Chase
755 Lt. Hansen
790 Lt. Smoley
596 Lt. Pearson
308 Lt. Lien
324 Lt. Ashlock
707 Lt. Wrighter
095 Lt. Van Blarcom
REMARKS: Maj. Close flew as Group Air Commander in
the lead A/C with Lt. Schroeder as his pilot. The
railway center at Sinsen, which was the assigned
target, was bombed by Gee-H methods with unobserved
results. None of the A/C in this squadron suffered
Dillenburg - 12 March 1945
Primary Target: Dillenburg M/Yds
588 Capt. Goodrich
880 Lt. Snipes
901 Lt. Lien
591 Lt. Ashlock
964 Lt. Reinhart
707 Lt. Pearson
755 Lt. Hansen
790 Lt. Smoley
578 Lt. Troccoli
306 Lt. Marlow
596 Lt. Roach
308 Lt. Mathers
095 Lt. Van Blarcom
REMARKS: Again bombing was done by Gee-H methods with
unobserved results due to cloud cover. The target was
the Railway M/Yds at Dillenburg about 40 miles
northeast of
ship of the high squadron with Lt. Kranch as his
pilot. No flak damage was suffered.
Vlotho - 14 March 1945
Primary Target: Vlotho R/R bridge
707 Lt. Pearson
790 Lt. Smoley
095 Lt. Van Blarcom
308 Lt. Snipes
306 Lt. Roach
000 Lt. Mayka
475 Capt. Ellis
591 Lt. Hansen
578 Lt. Troccoli
755 Lt. Price
964 Lt. Schone
901 Lt. Lien
REMARKS: Capt. Ellis with Lt. Swegle piloting, flew
in the lead A/C of the low squadron. The R/R bridge
over the
with excellent results as evidenced by the strike
photographs. No A/C received any flak damage.
Oranienburg - 15 March 1945
Primary Target: Oranienburg M/Yds.
REMARKS: The M/Yds at Oranienburg, the home of the SS
ordnance depot, was attacked by this group with good
results. The 322nd Squadron stood down.
Bohlen - 17 March 1945
Primary Target: Bohlen Synthetic Oil Plant
630 Maj. Close
792 Lt. Price
596 Lt. Roach
306 Lt. Marlow
095 Lt. Schone
014 Lt. Chase
000 Lt. Mayka
790 Lt. Smoley
308 Lt. Mathers
578 Lt. Troccoli
591 Lt. Ashlock
707 Lt. Pearson
REMARKS: Maj. Close flew as Air Commander with Col.
Merlin I. Carter of 1st CBW as his pilot. The
synthetic oil plant at Bohlen was attacked by H2X
methods with unobserved results. The equipment was
working perfectly but considerable crowding by other
formations caused difficulty on the bomb run. High
cloud forced the formation to fly about 4000 ft. above
briefed altitude, the lead squadron bombing from
29,000 ft. No flak was encountered.
Berlin - 18 March 1945
Primary Target: Berlin M/Yds
852 Capt. Goodrich
790 Lt. Lien
306 Lt. Marlow
591 Lt. Ashlock
578 Lt. Troccoli
707 Lt. Kranch
035 Lt. Schone
000 Lt. Miller
964 Lt. Hansen
308 Lt. Mathers
596 Lt. Roach
901 Lt. Wilson
095 Lt. Snipes
REMARKS: The 322nd furnished the high squadron with
Capt. Goodrich as Air Commander and Lt. Swegle pilot
in the lead A/C. The target was the Schlesischer
station and East Marshalling Yards in
squadron made a PFF run but was able to bomb visually.
Strike photos show hits in the M/Yds east of the
assigned MPI. Moderate and very accurate A/A fire
encountered at the target resulted in minor battle
damage to seven A/C of this squadron and major damage
to six. Damage to A/C #308 flown by Lt. Mathers made
it necessary for him to land on the continent at
Plauen - 19 March 1945
Primary Target: Bohlen Synthetic Oil Plant
651 Lt. Schroeder
806 Lt. Troccoli
431 Lt. Reinhart
578 Lt. Price
333 Lt. Hansen
901 Lt. Wilson
596 Lt. Roach
116 Lt. Smoley
095 Lt. Snipes
636 Lt. Lien
591 Lt. Ashlock
707 Lt. Kranch
REMARKS: Flying the low squadron with Lt. Schroeder
in the lead A/C this Sq. bombed the town of Plauen by
H2X methods with unobserved results. No flak was
encountered but high clouds and dense persistent
contrails made formation flying extremely difficult.
Rheine/Salz. - 21 March 1945
Primary Target: Rheine/Salzbergen A/F
REMARKS: The airdrome at Rheine/Salzbergen was bombed
visually with excellent results. The 322nd Squadron
was stood down.
Primary Target:
475 Maj. Newquist
591 Lt. Snipes
333 Lt. Kranch
707 Lt. Pearson
755 Lt. Lien
324 Lt. Price
964 Lt. Reinhart
578 Lt. Marlow
086 Lt. Wilson
596 Lt. Roach
552 Lt. Schone
096 Lt. Van Blarcom
REMARKS: A military camp near Dorsten was attacked
with fair to good results. Major Newquist was group
leader with Lt. Schroeder as his pilot. All three
squadrons started Gee-H runs but were able to bomb
visually. Flak in the target area which damaged 12
A/C in the high squadron was not accurate for the lead
squadron and only damaged two ships.
Coesfeld - 23 March 1945
Primary Target: Coesfeld R/R Center
475 Lt. Marsh
707 Lt. Pearson
588 Lt. Schone
591 Lt. Ashlock
964 Lt. Wilson
095 Lt. Van Blarcom
333 Lt. Kranch
088 Lt. Chase
306 Lt. Hansen
429 Lt. Lien
755 Lt. Price
959 Lt. Wrighter
596 Lt. Roach
REMARKS: Lt. Marsh led the high squadron with Lt.
Kane as his pilot. The R/R M/Yds at Coesfeld were
bombed visually. Strike photographs show good
results. No flak was encountered.
Vechta A/C - 24 March 1945
Primary Target: Vechta A/D
852 Lt. Swegle
901 Lt. Wrighter
707 Lt. Hansen
591 Lt. Ashlock
790 Lt. Schone
333 Lt. Troccoli
095 Lt. Van Blarcom
306 Lt. Marlow
964 Lt. Reinhart
755 Lt. Wilson
596 Lt. Roach
000 Lt. Barnsley
REMARKS: Lt. Swegle flew as Air Commander of the low
squadron with Major Newquist as his pilot. The A/F at
Vechta was bombed visually with excellent results.
Strike photos show a good concentration of hits from
this squadron covering the assigned aiming point. A
good job of “post-holing” the field was accomplished.
No flak was encountered.
A/D - 24 March 1945
Primary Target: Twente-Enschede A/D
REMARKS: The group furnished the high squadron of a
composite group for the second mission on this day.
Visual bombing of this A/D produced excellent results.
The 322nd did not fly.
Spandau - 28 March 1945
Primary Target:
REMARKS: An aircraft engine factory at
attacked by H2X methods with unobserved results. The
322nd was stood down.
Bremen - 30 March 1945
Primary Target: Bremen Ship Yards
852 Capt. Thompson
095 Lt. Hansen
027 Lt. Lien
754 Lt. Price
707 Lt. Pearson
964 Lt. Schone
000 Lt. Miller
578 Lt. Troccoli
088 Lt. Wilson
596 Lt. Roach
333 Lt. Fuller
901 Lt. Snipes
REMARKS: The submarine and ship building yards at
Bremen were bombed visually with good to excellent
results. Capt. Thompson was group leader with Lt.
Schroeder as his pilot. Strike photos show an
excellent concentration of hits from this squadron
the aiming point. Moderate accurate A/A fire resulted
in minor damage to seven A/C of this squadron and
major damage to one.
Halle & Aschersleben - 31 March 1945
Primary Target: Merseburg (Leuna)
852 Maj. Newquist
901 Lt. Wrighter
333 Lt. Fuller
790 Lt. Smoley
306 Lt. Pearson
578 Lt. Troccoli
088 Lt. Chase
095 Lt. Hansen
153 Lt. Schone
000 Lt. Reinhart
755 Lt. Norton
844 Lt. Lien
REMARKS: The locomotive depot at Halle was attacked
by the lead and high squadrons and five A/C of the low
squadron by PFF methods with unobserved results.
Seven A/C of the low squadron bombed the M/Yds at
Aschersleben visually with good results. Maj.
Newquist led the high squadron with Lt. Moulton as his
pilot. No damage was suffered by this squadron.
March 1945
The 322nd Bomb Squadron had no E/A claims for the
month of March 1945.
During the month of March 1945, notification has been
received that the following personnel of the 322nd
Bomb Squadron are prisoners of war:
F/O George Alexander, Jr. (N)
T/Sgt Roy M. Tanner
S/Sgt Oliver K. Birch
2/Lt John L. Bunch, Jr.
2/Lt Robert P. Casey
S/Sgt Robert E. Cunningham (BTG)
S/Sgt Mike Duran
1/Lt Modesto Olivo
1/Lt Joseph A. Young
(Mickey Oper.)
1/Lt Ralph K. Caldwell
2/Lt Robert W. Christophersen (B)
2/Lt Charles R. Hackstock (CP)
1/Lt Oren E. Harper
2/Lt Theodore P. Herrick, Jr. (N)
S/Sgt Charles R. Hitchcock (BTG)
1/Lt John W. Keckler
T/Sgt Claude S. Mason
S/Sgt Willis S. Pierce, Jr. (BTG)
T/Sgt Harry D. Wellington (TTG)
March 1945
1. Strength: Officers 93. F/O 15. E/M
2. No change.
3. Following officers assigned to squadron: 1/Lts
Frank D. Hentze (Nav.), 2/Lt
2/Lt Ralph D. Simon (CP), 2/Lt George R. Krasuli (B).
4. 1/Lt James H. Kovanda (N) trfd to 70th Repl
5. No change.
6. 1/Lt William H. Delchamps promoted to Capt.
(Engineering Officer)
7. Following 2/Lts promoted to 1/Lts: Robert W.
Roach (P), Wayne F. Swegle (P), Stephen Lada (B).
8. No change.
9. 1/Lt Dobrowitz, Alfred J. trfd to 70th
11. 2/Lt Robert E. Hudspeth promoted to 1/Lt.
12. Following officers’ trfd to 70th Repl Depot:
Capt. Francis W. Towner, 1/Lt Edward H. Davidson, 1/Lt
Robert N. Peterson.
13. No change.
14. No change.
15. No change.
16. No change.
17. No change.
18. F/O Jess V. Ziccarello appointed 2/Lt. 2/Lt.
Charles F. Hadd promoted to 1/Lt.
19. No change.
20. No change.
21. No change.
22. Capt. Goodrich, Ferrell K., trfd to 70th Photo
23. No change.
24. No change.
25. 2/Lts Ray E. Forsback and Elmer H. Fredrickson
promoted to 1/Lt.
26. No change.
27. Capt. Ivor O. Tufty (P) assigned to squadron.
28. Capt. Floyd M. Marshall (PX Officer) trfd to
323rd Squadron.
29. Capt. Frederick D. Ellis (P) trfd to 70th Repl
30. No change.
31. No change.
T/Sgt Joseph Wirtz (RO)
35-0 1 March
1/Lt Alfred J. Dobrowitz
(Nav/B) 35-0 “
T/Sgt Bernard J. Katewski (Eng.G) 35-0
2 Mar
S/Sgt Clarence R. Hinz (G)
35-0 “
Capt. Francis N. Towner (P)
30-0 4 March
1/Lt Robert N. Peterson
(Nav-B) 30-0 “
1/Lt Harold B. Reichert
(P) 35-0 “
1/Lt Edward H. Davidson
(P) 35-0 “
T/Sgt Harold G. Baker (Eng.G)
35-0 “
T/Sgt Lyle C. Holder (RO)
35-0 “
T/Sgt Ellis C. Eskew (Arm.G)
35-0 “
S/Sgt Cletus L. Diss (Arm.G)
35-0 “
S/Sgt Thomas M. Challis (Arm.G) 35-0
S/Sgt Oren Knight
(RO) 35-0 “
Capt. Frederick D. Ellis (P)
30-0 14 Mar
S/Sgt Donald A. Bradley (Arm.G) 35-0
S/Sgt Earl E. Lussier (Arm.G)
35-0 “
Capt. Ferral K. Goodrich (P)
28-2 18 Mar
S/Sgt Robert E. Tyndall (Arm.G) 35-0
31 Mar
S/Sgt Rene A. Chapius (Arm.G)
35-0 “
S/Sgt John H. Smelser (Arm.G)
35-0 “
Sgt. Martin A. Buckholz
(Arm.G) 35-0 “
Period Covered: 1 April 1945 to 30 April 1945
Prepared by: Samuel Y. Gibbon, Capt. A.C
Sgt. A. F. Gentile
1. List of Briefings and completed missions.
2. Completed
3. Loading lists (one copy only to go with original).
4. Confirmed Enemy Aircraft Claims
5. Prisoners of War.
6. Personnel changes.
7. Personnel completing operational tours
during April 1945.
8. Crews missing in action.
Brief.# Mission # Date Target Disposition
2 April 1945 Snrydstrutden Recalled
3 April 1945 Kaldenkirchen
3 April 1945 Baldrings Scrubbed
4 April 1945 Falsberg Completed
486 327
5 April 1945 Grafenwohr
487 328
7 April 1945 Kohlenbissen Completed
Lo- Faseberg Completed
329 8 April 1945 Stendal Completed
489 330 9 April 1945 Oberhaffenhofen Completed
490 331 10 April 1945 Oranienburg
Lo-Rechlin/Larz Completed
491 332 11 April 1945 Freiham Completed
492 12 April 1945 Bayreuth Scrubbed
493 333 13 April 1945 Neumunster
494 334 15 April 1945 Rochefort Area
495 335 16 April 1945 Regensburg Completed
496 336 17 April 1945 Dresden Completed
497 337 18 April 1945 Roschheim Completed
498 338 20 April 1945 Brandenburg Completed
499 339 21 April 1945 Munich Completed
500 340 25 April 1945 Pilsen
Fassberg A/C 4 April 1945
Primary Target: Reinsehlen Landing Field
832 Lt. Johnson
088 Lt. Mathers
225 Lt. Troccoli
000 Lt. Miller
333 Lt. Fuller
755 Lt. Worton
790 Lt. Smoley
901 Lt. Wrighter
027 Lt. Snipes
964 Lt. Schone
591 Lt. Ashlock
707 Lt. Barnsley
REMARKS: The 322nd flew the low squadron of the
group with Lt. Johnson as the squadron leader. The
#1 and #2 targets were cloud covered and the leaders
of the low and high squadrons were unable to make a
visual run on any airdrome in the assigned area so in
accordance with orders they brought their bombs back.
The lead squadron made a visual run on Fassberg A/C
through 6/10 to 8/10 clouds with unobserved results.
No enemy opposition was encountered.
Grafenwohr 5 April 1945
Primary Target: Grafenwohr Ordnance Depot
REMARKS: The railway sidings at Grafenwohr were
bombed with poor to good results by the group flying
1st “A.” The 322nd was stood down for the day.
Kohlenbissen & Faseberg 7 April 1945
Primary Target: Kohlenbissen Landing Ground
842 Maj. Close
901 Lt. Wrighter
790 Lt. Snipes
027 Lt. Lien
630 Lt. Price
000 Lt. Mayka
964 Lt. Reinhart
333 Lt. Fuller
591 Lt. Barnsley
088 Lt. Roach
014 Lt. Wilson
755 Lt. Pearson
REMARKS: Maj. Close flew as Group Commander with
Capt. Schroeder as his pilot. The lead squadron
bombed Faseberg A/D with very good results, the
bombardier having mistaken this field for Kohlenbissen
which was the assigned #1 target. Bombing was
accomplished from 15,000 ft. with no enemy opposition.
The high and low squadrons bombed the number one
target with excellent results.
Stendal 8 April 1945
Primary Target: Stendal Oil Storage
777 Lt. Johnson
333 Lt. Fuller
707 Lt. Pearson
036 Lt. Ashlock
964 Lt. Schone
790 Lt. Snipes
000 Lt. Wilson
088 Lt. Chase
027 Lt. Kranch
901 Lt. Wrighter
596 Lt. Roach
095 Lt. Barnsley
755 Lt. Mathers
REMARKS: The #2 target which was the locomotive
repair shops at Stendal was bombed with H2X methods
plus a visual assist in the case of the lead and high
squadrons. The high squadron was furnished by the
322nd, led by Lt. Johnson. Strike photographs for the
high squadron’s bombs show an excellent concentration
of hits covering the aiming point. Almost the entire
concentration lies within a 1000 ft. circle over the
MPI. Meager to moderate tracking A/A fire on the bomb
run which was extremely accurate resulted in minor
damage to 13 A/C and major damage to 4 in the group.
The high and lead squadrons each lost one A/C in the
target area from flak damage. Lt. Fuller’s A/C #333,
“Wee Willie,” flying its 129th mission, was seen to
lose a wing from a direct hit by flak over the target
and finally exploded. No chutes were observed.
Oberpfaffenhofen 9 April 1945
Primary Target: Oberpfaffenhofen A/C
630 Lt. Swegle
036 Lt. Barnsley
540 Lt. Wilson
939 Lt. Roach
615 F/O Roach
431 Lt. Marlow
901 Lt. Wrighter
000 Lt. Miller
095 Lt. Hansen
839 Lt. Mathers
263 Lt. Ashlock
790 Lt. Schone
REMARKS: The A/D at Oberpfaffenhofen was bombed
visually by all three squadrons with excellent
results. Strike photographs show that both assigned
aiming points were all covered with good
concentrations of hits. Meager inaccurate flak from
minor damage to two A/C of this squadron which flew
the low position with Lt. Swegle flying the lead A/C.
Oranienburg, Rechlin/Larz A/D 10 April 1945
Primary Target Oranienburg Ordnance Depot
REMARKS: The 322nd squadron was stood down for the
day. The main SS ordnance depot at Oranienburg was
bombed visually with excellent results by the high and
lead squadrons, and the low squadron bombed
Rechlin/Larz A/D.
Neumunster R/R - 13 April 1945
Primary Target: Gustrow M/Y
777 Capt. Marsh
568 Lt. Snipes
036 Lt. Troccoli
591 Lt. Ashlock
088 Lt. Rosenthal
153 Lt. Pearson
964 Lt. Wilson
790 Lt. Smoley
596 Lt. Mathers
880 Lt. Kranch
000 Lt. Miller
901 Lt. Barnsley
095 Lt. Hansen
REMARKS: Capt. Marsh led the high squadron furnished
by the 322nd on this mission to the railway center in
Neumunster. The target was bombed visually with
excellent results. No enemy opposition was
4 x 220 mm Guns,
mouth of Gironde River
15 April 1945
Primary Target: 4 x 220 mm Guns
471 Lt. Johnson
596 Lt. Kranch
095 Lt. Hansen
000 Lt. Miller
618 Lt. Troccoli
591 Lt. Snipes
755 Lt. Mathers
790 Lt. Smoley
088 Lt. Pearson
964 Lt. Wilson
276 Lt. Marlow
901 Lt. Schone
REMARKS: Lt. Johnson flew in the lead A/C of the
squadron which furnished the low squadron of the
group. Gun emplacements at the mouth of the
estuary were attacked visually with excellent results
as shown by the strike photographs. Assembly of the
group was accomplished over
encountered at the target.
Primary Target:
REMARKS: The 322nd squadron was stood down for the
day. The R/R bridge over the
Dresden - 17 April 1945
Primary Target: Dresden M/Y
852 Lt. Close
000 Lt. Pearson
790 Lt. Rosenthal
095 Lt. Hansen
792 Lt. Smoley
088 Lt. Wrighter
901 Lt. Schone
964 Lt. Reinhart
036 Lt. Troccoli
591 Lt. Snipes
755 Lt. Mathers
596 Lt. Kranch
RESULTS: Maj. Close as group Air Commander flew with
Capt. Schroeder as his pilot. The R/R roundhouse in
the M/Yds in the southern part of
to excellent results. Six or seven ME-262s were
encountered on the bomb run a few minutes before bombs
away. Three of these attacked low squadron, one of
them pressing the attack to 100 yard range. One
ME-262 attacked the high squadron. Three of our A/C
were damaged before our fighter escort was able to
chase the enemy away from the formation. Moderate
accurate tracking flak was encountered over the target
area. This squadron had damage (ED. NOTE: Probably
“no damage.” - FF) or casualties but fifteen A/C in
the low and high squadrons were damaged and a tail
gunner wounded and a ball turret gunner killed.
Rosenheim - 18 April 1945
Primary Target: Rosenheim R/R Center
588 Lt. Johnson
880 Lt. Schone
591 Lt. Snipes
755 Lt. Mathers
790 Lt. Koch
623 Lt. Barnsley
901 Lt. Wrighter
088 Lt. Chase
596 Lt. Kranch
095 Lt. Hansen
964 Lt. Marlow
036 Lt. Troccoli
000 Lt. Pearson
REMARKS: Lt. Johnson led the high squadron on this
mission to Rosenheim. The marshalling yards were
bombed visually with good to excellent results.
Mickey operators gave the bombardiers check points on
the bomb run due to difficulty in pilotage because of
a ground haze. No damage was suffered from enemy
Brandenburg - 20 April 1945
Primary Target: Brandenburg workshops
475 Capt. Marsh
909 Lt. Barnsley
596 Lt. Kranch
841 Lt. Marlow
755 Lt. Naylor
591 Lt. Snipes
036 Lt. Troccoli
088 Lt. Chase
901 Lt. Wrighter
790 Lt. Schone
095 Lt. Hansen
000 Lt. Shellhamer
REMARKS: The marshalling yards at Brandenburg were
bombed visually with unobserved to excellent results.
This squadron flew in the low position with Capt.
March as air commander. No enemy opposition.
Primary Target:
REMARKS: The marshalling yards at
by H2X methods with unobserved results. The 322nd was
stood down.
Pilsen A/F - 25 April 1945
Primary Target: Pilsen A/F
852 Lt. Col. Sheeler
792 Lt. Mathers
901 Lt. Wrighter
308 Lt. Wilson
596 Lt. Kranch
088 Lt. Smith
591 Lt. Snipes
095 Lt. Hansen
036 Lt. Barnsley
790 Lt. Schone
306 Lt. Marlow
755 Lt. Naylor
REMARKS: Lt. Col. Sheeler, with Capt. Schroeder as
his co-pilot, flew in the lead A/c as group air
commander. The airfield just SW of Pilsen was bombed
visually. Results for the lead and low squadrons were
unobserved but the high squadron strike photographs
showed good results. Moderate but very accurate flak
was encountered over the target just before bomb run
for about three minutes, resulting in minor damage to
13 A/C and major damage to 11 A/C. Lt. Wilks,
navigator on Lt. Schone’s crew, was hit by flak in the
right thigh. Lt. Marlow flying A/C #306 was forced to
land on the continent due to damage from flak over the
April 1945
The 322nd Bomb Squadron had no E/A claims for the
month of April 1945.
April 1945
During the month of April 1945, notification has been
received that the following personnel of the 322nd
Bomb Squadron are prisoners of war:
2/Lt Blanton, Ralph J., Jr. (P)
2/Lt Burns, Roy W. (N)
T/Sgt Caudell, George (TT)
2/Lt Cook, Roy R.
T/Sgt Fugatt, Ralph J. (RO)
1/Lt Hare, Leroy B.
T/Sgt Porter, Lauren N. (TT)
Sgt. Stern, Allison M. (B)
2/Lt Miller, Irving K. (CP)
April 1945
1. Strength: Officers 90. F/O 14.
E/M 436.
2. No change.
3. No change.
4. No change
5. 1/Lt Rayolyn W. Schroeder and 1/Lt. William
Nocitra promoted Capt. Following 2/Lts to 1/Lts:
Melvin Dart, Robert T. Anderson,
6. Following Officers assigned squadron:
Ardley H. Naylor (P), 2/Lt George L. Wood (CP), F/O
Thomas A. Nelson (N), 1/Lt Frank J. Fusaro (B), 2/Lt
Lloyd Shellhamer,
Jr. (P), F/O Dewey F. Hartselle,
(CP), 2/Lt John W. Krautkraemer (N), F/O Delbert P.
Gomes, Jr. (B).
7. 1/Lt Desmer C. Marsh promoted Capt.
8. No change.
9. 2/Lts Charles M. Bratcher (P), 2/Lt Robert W.
Crosley (CP), 2/Lt Edwin R. Szrgethy (N) asgd
10. No change.
11. 2/Lt. Joseph
D. Brodell, 2/Lt
promoted 1/Lts.
12. No change.
13. 1/Lt Robert
F. Sullivan promoted Capt., 2/Lt.
Joseph L. Buyder promoted 1/Lt.
1/Lt Jay J. Kane trfd
14. 1/Lt. Thomas
A. Norton trfd 7th Photo Op. Sta.
15. No change.
16. 1/Lt William
L. Mayor (P), 2/Lt Cornell S. Vangar
(CP), 1/Lt Donald F. Franz (B), 2/Lt Giles F. Weher
(N) asgd squadron
17. Following
officers assigned squadron: 1/Lt Leo
H. McMillan (P), 2/Lt. Wiley C. Holland (CP), 2/Lt.
Norman C. Cox (N), 2/Lt Joseph L. Alley (P), 2/Lt
L. Mecuesen (CP), 2/Lt Edmund Woodruff (N), 2/Lt James
W. Fleming, Jr. (B), 2/Lt Robert A. Isaacs (P), 2/Lt
Eugene E. Kelly, Jr. (CP), F/O Naros K. Lawdermilk
(N), 2/Lt James P. Nichols (N).
18. No change.
19. 1/Lt James F.
Donovan (Adjutant) promoted to
20. No change.
21. 1/Lt Albert
W. Price (P), 1/Lt William J. Rudy
(N) trfd to 70th Repl Depot.
Capt. Walter W. Thompson promoted to Capt..
22. No change.
23. Capt. Robert
N. Roberts (N), Robert W. Roach Jr.
(P) trfd to 70th Repl Depot.
1/Lt Elden H. Koch (P) trfd 38 sta. comp., sta. 595.
24. 2/Lts
Nathaniel Goldberg, Bernard S. Klebeck,
Gerald G. Kranch, Robert W. Millwee, Jr., Willard J.
Atman promoted to 1/Lts.
25. No change.
26. 1/Lt James L.
Ashlock (P), 1/Lt K. Allen (P),
trfd to 70th Repl Depot.
27. 2/Lt Marvin
L. Pearson promoted to 1st Lt. 1/Lt
Robert H. Miller (P), 1/Lt Robert P. Reese (B-N), 1/Lt
Daniel S. Mayka (P) trfd to 70th Repl Depot.
28. No
29. 1/Lt David
Mabberly (Obs.) asgd squadron. 2/Lt
Jess V. Ziccarello promoted to 1st Lt.
30. No change
Strength: Officers
95. F/O 18. E/M 438.
April 1945
Missions Date
1/Lt Kane, Jay J. (P)
35-0 4 April
Capt. Roberts, Robert N. (N)
7 April
1/Lt Price, Albert W. (P) “
7 April
1/Lt Norton, Thomas A. (P) “
7 April
1/Lt. Ruby, William J. (P)
“ 7 April
T/Sgt Baird,
T/Sgt Cummings, James D. (RO) “
7 April
S/Sgt Wilson, Leslie E. (G)
7 April
1/Lt Roach, Robert W.
(P) “
9 April
T/Sgt Bentley, Charles D. (G)
“ 11 April
1/Lt. Ashlock, James L. (P)
“ 13 April
1/Lt Allen, Warren H. (P)
“ 13 April
T/Sgt Polinski, Joseph V. (Eng.G)
“ 13 April
S/Sgt Zajac, John T., Jr. (G)
13 April
S/Sgt McGowan, Samuel R. (G) “
13 April
1/Lt Reese, Robert F. (N-B)
“ 15 April
1/Lt Miller, Robert H.
(P) “
15 April
1/Lt Mayka, Daniel S. (P)
“ 15 April
2/Lt Klebeck, Bernard S.
(N) “
15 April
S/Sgt Shorb, Daniel M. (G)
15 April
T/Sgt Mantis (?), Augustus (RO)
“ 15 April
T/Sgt Hine, William (RO)
“ 17 April
T/Sgt Kearns, Martin F. (Eng.G) “ 17 April
S/Sgt Cannellas, Joe, Jr. (Eng.G) “ 17 April
1/Lt Smoley, Earl M. (P)
“ 17 April
2/Lt Ziccarello, Jess V.
(N) “ 17
T/Sgt McMullen, Sterling E. (RO) “
17 April
S/Sgt Montgomery, Carl L. (Eng.G) “ 17 April
1/Lt Forsback, Roye E. (N) “ 17
1/Lt Koch, Eldon K.
(P) “
18 April
T/Sgt Lyall, Grady (RO)
“ 18 April
T/Sgt Whitmore, J. L. Jr. (Eng.G)
“ 18 April
1/Lt Troccoli, Joseph J.
(P) “ 20
1/Lt. Curris,
1/Lt Buydon, Joseph L. (P)
20 April
1/Lt Wrighter, Paul G. (P)
“ 25 April
1/Lt. Dart, Melvin (N)
“ 25 April
T/Sgt Stilson (?), Louis F. (G)
“ 25 April
Period Covered: 1 May 1945 to 30 May 1945
Prepared by: Samuel Y. Gibbon, Capt. A.C.
S/Sgt A. F. Gentile
May 1945
No operational missions were flown by the group during
the month of May 1945, but “Rubberneck” tours were
flown over the Ruhr and other German target areas at
low altitudes for the purpose of allowing ground and
staff personnel to observe the results attained in
cracking the German military and industrial machine.
Also a series of “Revival” missions were flown to
evacuate American, British, and French liberated
prisoners of war from
“Rubberneck” - 8 May 1945
562 Capt. Marsh
308 Lt. Barnsley
790 Lt. Schone
REMARKS: Capt. Marsh, Lt. Barnsley and Lt. Schone
flew with nine other A/C from the group to Alconbury
to take personnel from that base on a tour of the
“Rubberneck” - 9 May 1945
9000 Lt. Snipes
964 Capt. Hansen
088 Lt. Mathers
REMARKS: Lt. Snipes, Capt. Hansen and Lt. Mathers
flew with nine other A/C again to Alconbury for the
same purpose.
“Rubberneck” - 10 May 1945
575 Maj. Close
596 Lt. Kranch
000 Capt. Johnson
964 Lt. Reinhart
308 Lt. Wilson
755 Lt. Pearson
901 Lt. Major
088 Lt. Shellhamer
790 Lt. Van Blarcom
095 Capt. Schroeder
591 Lt. Naylor
REMARKS: Eleven personnel from this squadron took
personnel from the 91st Bomb Group on a tour over
Ostend, Brussels, Aachen, Dusseldorf, Cologne, Bonn,
Coblenz, Bingen, Frankfurt, Schweinfurt, Mannheim,
Strasbourg, Cape Gris Nez, and Dungeness.
“Rubberneck” - 11 May 1945
562 Maj. Close
901 Lt. Isaacs
755 Lt. Naylor
REMARKS: Lts. Chase, Isaacs and Naylor again flew to
Alconbury to take their personnel on a Rubberneck
“Revival” - 11 May 1945
964 Capt. Marsh
095 Lt. Bratcher
308 Lt. Mathers
591 Lt. Snipes
088 Lt. Smith
596 Lt. Kranch
790 Lt. Marlow
REMARKS: This squadron furnished seven A/C on an
evacuation mission to Linz A/C (Austria). The group
brought back 120 French POWs to A-39 and 30 British
POWs to For A/C England. Several A/C came back empty
as there were no more POWs to be brought back.
“Revival” - 12 May 1945
Barth, Germany
308 Maj. Close
901 Lt. Shellhamer
755 Lt. Naylor
000 Lt. Reinhart
964 Lt. Van Blarcom
591 Lt. Barnsley
095 Lt. Wilson
790 Lt. McMillan
REMARKS: Under the command of General Gross of the
1st Combat Wing, the 91st Group furnished A/C and
crews to evacuate POWs from Stalag Luft #1 at Barth,
Germany, over a period of three days. Many of the men
evacuated were formerly assigned to squadrons of this
group. A total of 2,032 POW’s were evacuated by the
group in the three days of operations.
The following pilots participated on the “Revival”
mission to Barth, Germany, 13 May 1945:
088 Maj. W. W. Thompson
036 Lt. Moulton
964 Lt. Snipes
596 Lt. Marlow
901 Capt. Johnson
591 Lt. Mathers
000 Lt. Chase
790 Lt. Marsh
308 Lt. Pearson
095 Capt. Schroeder
The following pilots participated on the “Revival”
mission to Barth, Germany, 14 May 1945:
036 Capt. Schroeder
755 Lt. Moulton
964 Lt. Van Blarcom
901 Lt. Chase
591 Lt. McMillan
000 Lt. Alley
“Home-Run” - May 1945
REMARKS: Lt. Snipes, Reinhart, Isaacs, Barnsley and
Alley with crews left here by truck for Burtonwood to
fly A/C from that base to the Z of I. Unfortunately
for the personnel involved the A/C were not
sufficiently stripped down and five men from each crew
were sent back on the following day.
“Home-Run” - May 26 1945
REMARKS: On the 26th May, Lts Wilson, Schone, Swegle
and Bratcher with their crews took off the first leg
of the trip home by the
May 1945
1. Strength: officers 95. F/O 18. E/M
Following officers trfd to 70th Repl Depot: 1/Lts
E. Forsback (N), Jess V. Ziccarello (P), Earl M.
Smoley (P).
2. Following officers trfd to 70th Repl Depot:
1/Lts Joseph L. Buydos (P), Joseph J. Troccoli (P),
1st Lts: John C. Bosworth, Harvey B. Bunkholder,
Thomas H. Moulton Jr., Walter J. Wyszynski.
3. 1/Lt Harold D. Johnson promoted to Captain.
F/O Gratins, Donald L. and Llegard, Allen K.,
appointed 2/Lts.
4. 1/Lt Paul G. Wrighter trfd to 70th Repl Depot.
5. No change.
6. 2/Lt Leroy B. Hansen promoted to 1/Lt.
7. No change.
8. No change.
9. No change.
No change.
11. No
12. F/O
John B.
appointed to 2/Lts. 1/Lt Gerald W. Brookman trfd to
Z. of
No change.
F/O Stephen D. Jordan (1034) trfd to Det of
Patients, 4340 USAHP
No change.
No change.
No change.
No change.
No change.
No change.
No change.
F/O Carleton J. Hogle appointed to 2/Lt.
23. No
No change.
25. F/O
Stuart K. Gilbertson appointed to 2/Lt. F/O
Wallace J. Harster appointed to 2/Lt. 2/Lt John B.
Following officers trfd to 70th Repl Depot:
Capt. Robert F. Sullivan, 1/Lt Robert J. Anderson,
1/Lt Charles F. Hadd (?), 1/Lt Nathaniel Goldberg,
1/Lt David G. Moberly.
No change.
No change.
No change.
No change.
Total strength of
personnel for the 322nd
Squadron at the end of May 1945 is as follows:
Officers 92. F/O 10. E/M 441.
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