A Kriegie's Story... by Frank Farr
Farr learned the hard way that a rip cord is not infallible when you have
to open the parachute, He survived that lesson to spend six months in
German prison camps after the "Massacre at Merseburg" November
2, 1944. He notes here that young men sequestered away from all womankind
don't always talk about girls. Starve them enough, and they
talk about food instead. Read how World War II flyers in German prison
camps passed the time (books, games, music), what they talked about (food,
girls and flying) and what they dreamed about (family, loved ones and
Paper back (5 X
8) $13.50 plus $1.50 for shipping
You can get your personalized
copy directly from Frank Farr at:

These books make perfect gifts for family and friends who are
veterans or WWII history buffs. They are not available at
the big online bookstores or your neighborhood bookstores. Order now
while supplies are available!
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needs some exposure, you can advertise on this site. It's really simple. We
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